Introduction to 1 John
This introduces the series in 1 John
January 29, 1995 |
1 John 1.1-4
The Privilege of Fellowship
February 05, 1995
1 John 2.12-14
Playing Grown-Up Games
March 05, 1995
1 John 2.18-28
The Privilege of Remaining in God
March 26, 1995 |



1 John 2.28-3.10
The Privilege of Being God's Child
April 02, 1995
1 John 3.3
The Privilege of Purity
April 09, 1995 |






Revelation 3.1-6 Are We Ready?
Are We Ready for what God has called us to do?
December 17, 1995
Acts 8.26-40 Acceptance
Do you accept people the way they are?
December 30, 1995
Mark 12.28-34 This Time It's Personal
Is your faith growing and spreading to others?
December 31, 1995
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