Introduction: The Gnostic thought they had the ear of God; they were the
spiritual while those around who didn't adhere to their way of
thinking were less Christians, of the flesh. This sin has been
prevalent throughout every era and in every church in her
history. John wants to make it clear to us that such division is
wrong and shows us what fellowship is all about in this first
sentence of 1 John. He tells us what the source, the people,
and the fruit of fellowship are within this one sentence.
The Basis of Fellowship (1-2)
As we know, and as we shall be reminded of again and again in this letter,
Jesus is the center and basis of all we have and do. One writer tells us: "If
men are ever to find fellowship with one another and with fellowship with God
and if they are to find true joy, they must find them in Jesus Christ" (Barclay,
John's message and the basis for such fellowship and joy is Jesus. He tells
us four things about Jesus.
1) He is eternal (1.1-beginning)
2) His incarnation was a true incarnation of 100% God and 100% man
a. heard b. seen c. gazed (theatre) d. handled
3) He is the Good News (1.1- Word of Life, the "that" of verse 1)
4) He is eternal life (1.2)
This, then, is the basis of our fellowship. That is the acceptance of Jesus
Christ as Saviour, God, and life. This common bond breaks all divisions for in
Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor freedman, male nor female;
their is only children of God. There are no "super spiritual" enlightened ones.
Fellowship is based upon Jesus alone.
The People of Fellowship (1.3)
The question came to me: If Jesus is the basis of fellowship, who does the
fellowshipping? I am very thankful that God knew I was to ask that question
and allowed John to answer it for me. It is no mystery: Our fellowship is with
one another and God. Simple enough.
John re-iterates "that" or Jesus so we can look intently upon Jesus as he did.
He then explains why he repeats himself. He tells us when we look intently
upon Jesus we have fellowship with one another. John is simply stating that
our fellowship is with each other based upon Jesus and it is with God
because of Jesus. When we look at fellowship this way our life will change.
Allow me to illustrate with a rather lengthy quotation from J Vernon McGee's
commentary on this (21-22).
The Fruit of Fellowship (1.4)
The fruit is evident. John wrote this over and over again in John when he said
that Jesus is the source of joy as long as we abide in Him, that is have
fellowship with Him and He with us (Revelation 3.20)
During the closing prayer have people raise hands as a sign of seeking to
truly fellowship with others.