Psalm 102

Psalm 102

The inscription for this psalm is odd. It gives no name, no direction, no tune or style; it merely pronounces what it is. It is a title. This psalm is an individual lament or prayer. It contains similar expressions found in Psalm 27 (read the study of Psalm 27).

This psalm is a Messianic Psalm in that it describes what happened to Christ during His lifetime. As you read through the psalm, try to see the agony of Christ, particularly in the Garden of Gethsemane (His prayer could have been this psalm, cf. Hebrews 5.7) or on the Cross. See below for MacDonald and Farstad’s treatment on how this psalm relates to the Trinity.

This psalm can be divided into four parts. The plea (1-2), the reason for the plea (3-11), the character of God (12-22), and the contrast between God and man (23-28) are the main sections of this psalm.

Verses 1-2-The Psalmist proclaims his heart’s desire is for God to hear his prayer, his plea. He does not expect God to reject his prayer and knows that God. These thoughts are seen in Psalm 88 (read study) and Psalm 17 (read study).

Verses 3-11-These verses remind us of what James wrote in James 4.14. Job also responded to his condition in terms of his bones poured out, burned, and crushed (Job 30.16-32). When David was being judged for his sin with Bathsheba and all the aftermath, he expressed his life as bones that were broken (Psalm 51.8). David, in Psalm 51, knew this was from God as does this writer (11).

This list of birds represents those who live alone and are desolate (6-8), which is how the writer feels as those around him mock him for trusting in God.

Verses 12-17-The writer calls out to God to act because of whom God is not who the prayer is. The writer calls for God to act so God can be glorified by the nations. When we pray, we should pray according to God’s Word, His will, and His way. When we do so, we will be asking God to do exactly what God wants to do. God desires for us to care for the poor and needy. Do we pray for Him to care for the destitute (17)?

Verses 17-22-The psalmist is asking God to use his circumstances to help others know that God is good and God is worthy of worship (Romans 15.4 and 1 Corinthians 10.11).

As verses 18-19 are read, we get a sense that the psalmist knows that God stepped down from Heaven to answer his prayer.

Verses 23-28-The writer realizes his frailty and God’s eternal state. He also realizes that what is occurring in his life is due to the mighty, compassion, just, true, etc., God of the Universe allowing it to happen. He is the same today as He was then (Hebrews 13.8, cf. Malachi 3.6, which expresses why we are still living). Because of this, the writer notes, we can have confidence before Him (27-28, cf. Hebrews 1.10-12). So, let us go before Him and ask Him to incline His ear to us.

As you are in prayer today, how do you pray? Are you asking God to grant your requests according to your desires? There is nothing wrong with expressing the desires of your heart to God. However, He may not answer them. Are you praying according to His Word, will, and way? If so, then an answer is forthcoming (1 John 5.13-15).

What are you writing for others to read that they may see the glory of God manifests in their lives as-well? Each of us has enough going on in our life for others to read that they may be drawn closer to God.

The key to understanding this Psalm lies in detecting the change in speakers.

Vv. 1–11 The Lord Jesus, hanging on the cross, is speaking to God.

Vv. 12–15 The Father replies to His beloved Son; we know this by comparing verse 12 with Hebrews 1:8.

Vv. 16–22 The speaker is unidentified, but we are safe in assuming that it is the Holy Spirit, describing the future restoration of Israel under the Messiah.

Vv. 23, 24a The Savior is heard once more as He suffers at the hands of God for our sins.

Vv. 24b–28 Again by comparing this section with Hebrews 1:10–12, we know that the Father is speaking to His Son.

Here as nowhere else in the Bible we are enabled to listen in on a conversation that took place between the three Persons of the Trinity when the Lord Jesus was making expiation for the sins of the world (MacDonald and Farstad, 1997).

Psalm 73

The wealthy and those who are at ease in this life are living on a slippery slope leading to destruction. The condition of the United States in this era (post 2008) is evidence of this truth. In a moment of time the nation went from apparent wealth and ease to devastation and poverty.

Psalm 73

A psalm written by Asaph. This Psalm is quite like Psalm 37 and Psalm 49 (see comments on Psalm 49).

The psalm is written as a teaching poem. It begins with temptation (1-3), description of the wicked (4-14), the wicked will perish (15-20), uncertainty (21-24), victory (25-26), destruction of the wicked (27), and trust in God (28).

Verses 1-3-Asaph recognizes that God is good both in the opening and closing verses. He begins and ends with the goodness of God. However, in-between he reminds us of ourselves. We are tempted to be envious of those who have more than us. We see the grass as always greener in someone else’s house. We covet, envy, and forget that God is indeed good. When we see a desire or a felt need not being met, it is quite easy to forget all the blessings we have due to the focus on the one thing that is missing. Most cases of adultery begin this way.

Verses 4-14-Although Asaph sees the wicked, he is still envious of them. He sees their life of ease and his harsh life and seeks their existence (cf. Malachi 3.13-15). Verses 11-12 show the perversity of their minds. They presume they can hide their sin from God, if there is such a being.

These verses depict not merely the corrupt but those who laud them as celebrity. The people praise the very ones who cause them grief. This is the United States today.

Verses 15-20-Asaph regains focus, not on what he does not have but on who has him. When we are perplexed over the issues of life and its seeming injustice, we need to spend time in God’s presence in order to regain an understanding of who He is and who we are in Him.

The wealthy and those who are at ease in this life are living on a slippery slope leading to destruction. The condition of the United States in this era (post 2008) is evidence of this truth. In a moment of time the nation went from apparent wealth and ease to devastation and poverty.

Verses 21-28-When we are embittered by the successes of those around us, we need to be reminded of who God is in this world. As we draw near to Him, we gain a better perspective on this life.  James 4.8 promises that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

Chris Tomlin’s song “I Will Rise” is good to listen to (it contains verse 26).