2 Samuel 5.1-10

Are you proclaiming the One who is greater than David, Jesus, as King of your life? If so, your faith and ability to do great things will increase. The more we lean on God and allow Him to rule our lives the greater our life will be primarily due to our living the life that He created for us to live. How strong are you today? What does your daily workout look like?

2 Samuel 5.1-10

Due to the method of this study, in that we are attempting to do a chronological study of the events of the Old Testament, we are studying the first ten verses of 2 Samuel 5. These verses coincide with 1 Chronicles 11.1-9. We will look at 1 Chronicles 11 next before we return to complete 2 Samuel 5. For the remainder of 2 Samuel and the books of the Kings, we will work with simultaneously with the Chronicles.

This chapter provides the third anointing of David being king. Here it is an anointing by all the tribes of Israel to be king over Israel.  Second Samuel 2.4 points to the Southern tribes anointing David king over Judah. First Samuel 16.13 is the most important anointing given by Samuel prophetically proclaiming David to be the great and future king over all Israel. Verse two represents the people’s belief that Samuel’s anointing of David to be king over all Israel was indeed an act of God anointing David. The Israelites were obeying God’s will and proclaiming David the rightful king.

Hebron is an important city in the life of Israel. It is here the patriarchs, except for Rachel, were buried (Genesis 23.2; 25.9; 35.27-29; 49.29-33). It is one of the oldest cities in the world that is still in existence. The Cave of Machpelah is still there; however, it is covered by a mosque (background information from Jewish Virtual Library).

David is called in verse two a shepherd and a ruler (or prince). When this terminology is compared to Ezekiel 34.23-24, we see a comparison to the coming Messiah. David, then, is a type of Christ who is to come. More will be developed on this concept at a later date. The term “Messiah” means “anointed one.”

We see the years of David’s reign given in verse five. David reigned more than forty years, from the age of thirty (Jesus’ ministry began at thirty too) and he was king until he was in his seventies.

The Jebusites (those who dwelt in what is called Jerusalem today), were confident in their ability to defend their capital. They thought it was impenetrable (6). When a topographical map of the surrounding area is viewed, it is reasonable for the Jebusites to think that the city was impenetrable. The Jebusites held this territory since the days of Joshua (Joshua 15.63). This is one reason David sought the city. God gave the city to David and to Israel (10). Remember, with God all things are possible if He desires them for us.

David’s plan of attack seems to be an attack on the water system of Jerusalem. Later, King Hezekiah would use this as a means of defense (2 Chronicles 32.2-4).

The first mention of “Zion” found in the Bible is in verse seven.

As 2 Samuel 3.1 reminds us, David’s claim to be king grew greater than that of Saul; so, we see here in verse ten, that David became greater and greater because God was with him. Just as Saul became weaker because God had left him, so David became stronger because God was with him.

Are you proclaiming the One who is greater than David, Jesus, as King of your life? If so, your faith and ability to do great things will increase. The more we lean on God and allow Him to rule our lives the greater our life will be primarily due to our living the life that He created for us to live. How strong are you today? What does your daily workout look like?

Psalm 104

Before reading this following, read through the psalm. It is a literary masterpiece unequaled in Scripture and adds a poetic flow to the Genesis 1 account of creation.

Psalm 104

Before reading the following, read through the psalm. It is a literary masterpiece unequaled in Scripture and adds a poetic flow to the Genesis 1 account of creation.

This song of creation is similar to Job 38, Job 39, Psalm 8, and Psalm 29 (also read the study on Psalm 8).

The psalm can be seen as an expression of the greatness and splendor of God.

Verse 1-this is a call to praise (the psalm is sandwiched with this call-see verse 35)

Verses 1-4-God is infinite

Verses 5-9-He created the land and seas

Verses 10-18-He cares for His creation by providing food and drink

Verses 19-23-He created the heavens to help regulate the earth

Verses 24-26-He created the sea creatures

Verses 27-30-All things that He created are totally dependent on Him

Verses 31-35-a summary of the call to praise God

Stop, go outside, and praise God for the creation you see.

Psalm 103

There is so much in this psalm. That I will save it for a future date to complete. My apologies for now.

Psalm 103

This psalm is a wonderful expression of what God has done for us. Spurgeon and Henry both proclaim that this psalm is more for “devotion than exposition.” Take time to read through this psalm, slowly; then read this study. Spurgeon also tells us that a thousand different writers would not be able to tell all that is written in this one chapter.

Warren Wiersbe summed the entire chapter this way:

David makes no requests in this psalm. All he does is praise the Lord for three wonderful blessings, which he names in verses 3–5 and then explains in the rest of the psalm.

Forgiveness (3, 10–14). Forgiveness is like healing when you are sick (1 Pet. 2:24), relief when you are burdened (vv. 11–12; Lev. 16:20–22; John 1:29), and reconciliation when you have hurt someone (vv. 13–14). All of this comes because Jesus died for your sins on the cross and you have trusted Him.

Redemption (4, 6–9). God redeemed the nation from bondage and from the difficulties they faced on their journey to Canaan. He frees us that He might be our Master and care for us forever. When He crowns us, He transforms slaves into kings (Rom. 5:17). What grace!

Satisfaction (5, 15–18). Man is frail and temporary, but believers enjoy “eternal youth” and spiritual renewal. David compares it to the eagle that looks old but still soars upward with new strength (Isa. 40:31).

You belong to the King who rules over everything (v. 19)! The angels praise Him (vv. 20–22), so why not join in their worship? (Wiersbe, 1997).

There is so much in this psalm. That I will save it for a future date to complete. My apologies for now.

Psalm 102

Psalm 102

The inscription for this psalm is odd. It gives no name, no direction, no tune or style; it merely pronounces what it is. It is a title. This psalm is an individual lament or prayer. It contains similar expressions found in Psalm 27 (read the study of Psalm 27).

This psalm is a Messianic Psalm in that it describes what happened to Christ during His lifetime. As you read through the psalm, try to see the agony of Christ, particularly in the Garden of Gethsemane (His prayer could have been this psalm, cf. Hebrews 5.7) or on the Cross. See below for MacDonald and Farstad’s treatment on how this psalm relates to the Trinity.

This psalm can be divided into four parts. The plea (1-2), the reason for the plea (3-11), the character of God (12-22), and the contrast between God and man (23-28) are the main sections of this psalm.

Verses 1-2-The Psalmist proclaims his heart’s desire is for God to hear his prayer, his plea. He does not expect God to reject his prayer and knows that God. These thoughts are seen in Psalm 88 (read study) and Psalm 17 (read study).

Verses 3-11-These verses remind us of what James wrote in James 4.14. Job also responded to his condition in terms of his bones poured out, burned, and crushed (Job 30.16-32). When David was being judged for his sin with Bathsheba and all the aftermath, he expressed his life as bones that were broken (Psalm 51.8). David, in Psalm 51, knew this was from God as does this writer (11).

This list of birds represents those who live alone and are desolate (6-8), which is how the writer feels as those around him mock him for trusting in God.

Verses 12-17-The writer calls out to God to act because of whom God is not who the prayer is. The writer calls for God to act so God can be glorified by the nations. When we pray, we should pray according to God’s Word, His will, and His way. When we do so, we will be asking God to do exactly what God wants to do. God desires for us to care for the poor and needy. Do we pray for Him to care for the destitute (17)?

Verses 17-22-The psalmist is asking God to use his circumstances to help others know that God is good and God is worthy of worship (Romans 15.4 and 1 Corinthians 10.11).

As verses 18-19 are read, we get a sense that the psalmist knows that God stepped down from Heaven to answer his prayer.

Verses 23-28-The writer realizes his frailty and God’s eternal state. He also realizes that what is occurring in his life is due to the mighty, compassion, just, true, etc., God of the Universe allowing it to happen. He is the same today as He was then (Hebrews 13.8, cf. Malachi 3.6, which expresses why we are still living). Because of this, the writer notes, we can have confidence before Him (27-28, cf. Hebrews 1.10-12). So, let us go before Him and ask Him to incline His ear to us.

As you are in prayer today, how do you pray? Are you asking God to grant your requests according to your desires? There is nothing wrong with expressing the desires of your heart to God. However, He may not answer them. Are you praying according to His Word, will, and way? If so, then an answer is forthcoming (1 John 5.13-15).

What are you writing for others to read that they may see the glory of God manifests in their lives as-well? Each of us has enough going on in our life for others to read that they may be drawn closer to God.

The key to understanding this Psalm lies in detecting the change in speakers.

Vv. 1–11 The Lord Jesus, hanging on the cross, is speaking to God.

Vv. 12–15 The Father replies to His beloved Son; we know this by comparing verse 12 with Hebrews 1:8.

Vv. 16–22 The speaker is unidentified, but we are safe in assuming that it is the Holy Spirit, describing the future restoration of Israel under the Messiah.

Vv. 23, 24a The Savior is heard once more as He suffers at the hands of God for our sins.

Vv. 24b–28 Again by comparing this section with Hebrews 1:10–12, we know that the Father is speaking to His Son.

Here as nowhere else in the Bible we are enabled to listen in on a conversation that took place between the three Persons of the Trinity when the Lord Jesus was making expiation for the sins of the world (MacDonald and Farstad, 1997).

1 Chronicles 10

When God sees your life, what does He see? Does He see a trend of disobedience leading to destruction or of obedience to His Word, will, and way leading to abundant life? Try Journaling a week of your life to see where you stand.

1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 31.1-13; cf. the study from 1 Samuel 31)

This chapter is a review of the death of Saul with an addition in verses 13-14. This is where we will concentrate this short study.

Ezra, the writer of the Chronicles, gives two reasons for Saul’s death and informs the reader of whom actually killed Saul. Saul did not obey the Word of God nor the way of God. He decided to offer his own sacrifices (see the study in 1 Samuel 13) and payed homage to himself (1 Samuel 15), and then consult a medium (see the study in 1 Samuel 28).

Verse fourteen informs us that God killed Saul. Saul’s death was not by his own hand but by the hand of God. God had let Saul pursue the desires of his heart, which led to death (Proverbs 14.12).

When God sees your life, what does He see? Does He see a trend of disobedience leading to destruction or of obedience to His Word, will, and way leading to abundant life? Try Journaling a week of your life to see where you stand.

1 Chronicles 9

This opening verse should be a warning to all who read. When we allow our hearts to turn from the Word, will, and way of God we are unfaithful to Him. Our unfaithfulness may not lead to physical captivity, but our hearts, minds, and wallets can become captive to the world system we are told to stay away from (1 John).

1 Chronicles 9 (Ezra 2.43, 79, Ezra 8.20, and Nehemiah 7.73)

This opening verse should be a warning to all who read. When we allow our hearts to turn from the Word, will, and way of God we are unfaithful to Him. Our unfaithfulness may not lead to physical captivity, but our hearts, minds, and wallets can become captive to the world system we are told to stay away from (1 John).

As can be seen by the passages listed above, this chapter details those who returned from the Babylonian Exile. The first to return (9.2) are the laymen, priests, Levites, and temple servants. This last group of people is called the Nethinim in the Hebrew text. These people were a group of temple servants (see references above) who helped the Levites with the menial chores in the Temple. The moniker Nethinim means “those who are given.” In the cross-references above, read in context, the Nethinim have Gentile names. This has led many to hold that these were non-Israelites. However, having a non-Israelite serving in the Temple has caused some to disregard that view. The names given could have been given to the foreign-born Israelite merely because they were in a foreign land (think of the four in the book of Daniel whose names were changed).

When this chapter is completed, the legitimacy of the Israelite nation from Creation to the moment of return from Exile is given. This is the nation that belongs in the Promised Land. Be thankful that your genealogy only needs to include Jesus as your Savior for you to inherit and claim legitimacy as one who is possessed by the King of the Promised Land.

The books of the Bible are divided into chapters by men. This is one case where I would have chosen a different point of separation. First Chronicles 9.35 could have been 1 Chronicles 10.1. This is because this portion of the book deals with the material in chapter ten that of King Saul. The closing of 1 Chronicles 9 presents the linage of King Saul (35-44). The ending of this chapter sets the stage for chapters ten and following. However, I do see that it is attached to chapter nine because it is a genealogy.

1 Chronicles 8

1 Chronicles 8 (Genesis 46.21, Numbers 26.38, and 1 Chronicles 7.6; cf. the study on 1 Chronicles 7)

This chapter presents a complete look at the tribe of Benjamin with a closer look at Saul and Jonathan. The purpose is to set the stage for the death of Saul and the reign of David that is presented in the rest of 1 Chronicles. The next chapter presents the reason the people were taken as captives to Babylon, their unfaithfulness to God (9.1).

1 Chronicles 7

This list ends with mighty men of valor. Would your name be placed here or would it be absent as Dan? Why?

1 Chronicles 7 (Genesis 46.13, 17, 21, 24)

Issachar-More research later

Benjamin-This tribe was almost reduced to naught. It grew and is listed here in detail due to the genealogy of King Saul.

Naphtali-This is quite short, probably due to the size of the tribe after returning from the Assyrian captivity. Tiglath-Pileser seems to have targeted this area (2 Kings 15.29).

Manasseh-Note the absence of the term “half-tribe” (1 Chronicles 5.23), implying that this portion of Manasseh was placed in higher regard than the portion east of the Jordan River. Zolophehad’s daughters required a change in the inheritance laws under Moses (Numbers 27.1-11 and Numbers 36.1-12).

Ephraim-This genealogy is detailed to display the heritage of Joshua. Sheerah is the only mention of a woman in the Bible who built cities.

Asher-More research later

The two tribes, Zebulun and Dan, are omitted from these genealogies. For Dan’s omission, a conjecture would be that his tribe began the idolatry of the nation with the calves set-up by Jeroboam. He is also not listed in Revelation 7.5-8. As for Zebulun, more research is needed.

This list ends with mighty men of valor. Would your name be placed here or would it be absent as Dan? Why?

Psalm 93

Psalm 93

This psalm describes the greatness of God over all the earth, over other gods, and over us. The psalmist informs us that God is eternally holy (1-2). He informs us that God is greater than Baal or other gods (3-4). When the Scripture speaks of the sea or floods, it normally refers to chaos. God is greater than the troubles we find ourselves in. God is holy forever (5).

How about us? Does our life reflect the truth of this psalm? Do others see that God is greater in our lives than other things? Do others see how majestic God is by the words we speak, the activities we find ourselves involved in, and the habits of worship we have?

Psalm 92

As you grow, what fruit do others see in you? How is this evidenced in church?

Psalm 92

This is a psalm written specifically for the Sabbath, so says the inscription. As the psalm is read, we see that God is lifted high (1-4), God has judged the wicked (5-9), God gives mercy to those who follow Him (10-11), and mercy will continue throughout eternity (12-15). It anticipates the coming ultimate day of rest when the eternal Sabbath rest is ushered in (Hebrews 4.9-11).

Verses 1-4-A call to worship is given by this unknown author. He calls us to declare perpetually the greatness of God. It requires effort to do this, and it requires skill to do this. If we notice the worship given on the Sabbath Day requires us to do more than merely walk in, sit down, sing, give, and walk out. We are called to involve ourselves actively during this time (and all times).

Verses 5-9-God is contrasted with the creation in these verses. He is above all and He is eternal. Creation is simple and brief. Who is like Him? He knows the wicked and disciplines them (this is in contrast to those who follow Him in the next stanza).

Verses 10-11-In the present, God blesses us with His presence, which is the ultimate blessing.

Verses 12-15-In the days to come, He will continue steadfastly with those who pursue Him. In old age, there is new life, a flourishing life, a fruitful life, and a life that show others who He is. The palm tree represents long life and the cedar represents strength. In Song of Solomon 7.7-8 a palm tree describes a beautiful girl.

As you grow, what fruit do others see in you? How is this evidenced in church?

Later a study of the Sabbath for the Christian will be posted.