1 Chronicles 17

1 Chronicles 17 (see our study on 2 Samuel 7 for a deeper study of the subject)

One major difference between these two passages is the focus of David’s prayer, which is a result of the purpose of each book. Second Samuel is establishing David as king over all Israel and 1 Chronicles focus is on the religious aspects of David’s life. So, the prayer in 1 Chronicles 17.16-27 focuses on David as the planner of the Temple more so than a military focus. This focus can be seen in Haggai’s focus in Haggai 1 (see PPT analysis of this chapter-more to come if comments are given).

Author: Pastor David

David R Williamson is the founder of Teach for God Ministries. He holds degrees from Grace Bible College, Grand Canyon University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Walden University. David has been actively involved in ministry since 1979. He has ministered in various ministries from Sunday School teacher, Youth Pastor, to English Pastor in Taiwanese churches, including teaching ten years at the Junior High school level. Currently, David is teaching at Hillcrest Christian School at the High School level. He is also pulpit supply and retreat speaker for churches and other religious organizations. He is happily married to Karen with three children: Joshua, Kazlyn, and Joseph

1 thought on “1 Chronicles 17”

  1. I like verse 16, when David says “who am I, LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far.” I think it demonstrates how humble David was, that he knew that He didn’t deserve any of God’s goodness. I think sometimes we take the things God gives us for granted or believe that we deserve God’s provision and love.

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