Galatians 2.17-21 Diamond Bar High School Praise Night 03.07.98 Objective: To have kids commit themselves to the patterns of Christ. Outline Introduction: Two jokes that I have grown to like very much. 1. “You have to go, you are 35 and you are the pastor.” 2. “But in about a minute I will be getting out of bed and I then I’ll need all the help I can get.” That is what life is about isn’t it? We don’t always want to get up and do what is right because we know, in time, we will fail to do what we set out to do. Therein is the story of Christianity. We see it in Paul’s life from Romans 8, in Luther’s life, even in our own life. We want to do what is right but don’t always follow through on it. But, as Christians, we are called to persevere and to press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We need to understand to what we have been called and then need to press on in that calling. 1. The Call a. What is Christianity? 1) It is a life of grace 2) It is a life of faith 3) It is a life of freedom b. How is it lived out? 1) Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. Judgment is getting what we deserve-hell; mercy is not getting what we deserve-common things of life like rain; and grace is getting what we don’t deserve-eternal life and all that it entails. Grace was given when God gave His Son who, in turn, gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from sin. Grace is lived out as we give to others, suffer with others, and conquer with others. This is one main reason Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians. He wrote to tell them of Jesus death for us (chapter 1) and what our response of faith should be (chapter 2). 2) Faith can be better understood if we translated it as “trust.” Trust involves both action and believe for trust, unlike faith, is both a verb and a noun. It is not merely enough to believe that Jesus died for you. You must act on that. This is where salvation begins, when we act on what we believe. (Give salvation message here.) Faith is best seen as we live out our lives in simple trust in the God we love. Faith is living our lives out as little children who trust their father (Mark 10.15). 3) Freedom is best seen when we find release from sin, reconciliation to our God and our brothers and sisters, new vision (Isaiah 42.7), and a sense of belonging to God (Galatians 4.7). 2. The Crucifixion (quote Galatians 2.20) a. Being crucified with Christ brings pardon 1) Forgiveness from sins-past, present, and future (expand on this) 2) Freedom from the Law a) the Law brings death for its purpose was to show us that we could never live up to the standards that God has given. b) the Law also shows us what God would be like when He came to earth (Jesus). 3) Full passion to never want to sin again c. Being crucified with Christ brings power This power comes as we allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives (2 Co 10.3-6; Romans 6.1-11) a) we yield ourselves to Him b) our “I will” becomes dominated by “the mind of Christ.” (Romans 12.1-2; 2 Co 10.4-5). c. Being crucified with Christ brings partnership 1) This partnership brings power to live. 2) This partnership also brings suffering (Philippians 3.10; Romans 8.17; Colossians 1.24-25) 4. The Continuation a. Paul never allows for us to intellectually assent to the validity of a truth. His writings demand a response that must effect our 1) thinking a) we cannot live life on our own, we need Jesus. b) we must train our thoughts to be Jesus thoughts (WWJD) 2) speaking a) Eph 4-Wholesome words b) Col-Wholesome words 3) acting a) Ephesians 4.1-Walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel b) Ephesians 5.1-Imitate God 4) suffering c. It is characterized by “forgetting what lies behind and pressing on toward what lies ahead, the prize of our high calling in Christ. d. Paul tells us point blank a most vivid description of what happened to him on the road to Damascus and since- I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Salvation first or Commitment first?) Commitment Would you have this kind of life that typifies a life of pardon, power, partnership; that is full of grace, faith, and freedom? If you would, I would ask you to raise your hands that we may pray for you. (Recognize those that have raised their hands, allow them to put them down.) Those of you who have raised your hands, I would ask you to come to the front here. We will do something today that will always be in your mind from this day forward, as was Paul’s in regard to the Damascus Road. After some time, have them do the following: 1. Lie on your stomachs, prostrate before the cross. This is where you signify your death. Wait, silently. Read Colossians 3.3-For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Wait, silently. Read Psalm 118.18-I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Wait, silently. Read Ephesians 5.14-Awake, you who sleep; arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. 2. Please stand as one who has been crucified with Christ. 3. Their are counselors to help you. Salvation Would you have this new life that Paul speaks of? ©Teach for God Ministries Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way, you do not charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction, and you do not make more than 1,000 physical copies. For web posting, a link to this document on our website is preferred. Any exceptions to the above must be explicitly approved by Teach for God Ministries. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: David R Williamson. ©Teach for God Ministries. Website: www.teach4god.com. Email: sermons@teach4god.com.