2 Samuel 6

When we try to do God’s work our way, we may succeed for a moment, but we are destined for failure. When we do things God’s way, despite what some may think, He will bless us. Sometime our closest friends will turn on us when we decide to praise God properly. This should never detract us from rejoicing in Him. When was the last time you sang for God in such a way that it didn’t matter who was there?

2 Samuel 6 (cf. 1 Chronicles 13.1-14 [read our study] and 15.25-16.6 [read our study]; 1 Samuel 7.1, 2 [read our study])

This chapter presents David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. It is a rather strange story though. After the Israelites received the Ark back from the Philistines, they placed it in Kirjath-Jearim (here it is called Baale-Judah) with Abinidab in order to make Jerusalem both the political and religious capital of Israel. The goal is admirable. It seems, however, the means was less than godly. David intended to transport the Ark via a cart and not using Kohathites (Levitical priests) to carry it as prescribe in Numbers 4.15.

As the party of more than 30,000 were celebrating the transport of the Ark, it began to fall. Uzzah, in an attempt to save the Ark from desecration by having it fall to the ground, stopped it from falling. For his attempts, God struck him dead. Why? Was God being too harsh with Uzzah for touching the Ark? If we are unaware of God’s character, we might trivialize this incident with such a response. However, knowing the holiness of God, we need to respond differently. Uzzah was attempting to “save” the Ark from desecration by desecrating the Ark with his hand (he broke the law in order to save the Ark). Now, some would say that his hand was less dirty than the ground, so it was the lesser of the two evils. I posit a query or two: Is God so incapable that He is unable to keep the Ark from falling without causing someone to sin? Do we really think our sinfulness is less dirty than the dirt? Dirt is dirt and sin is what brought Christ out of Heaven to die for us (it is filthy rags-Isaiah 64.5-7). God’s law demands that any who touch it, die; he did, and he did.

David is in fear and anger. I think he was fearful of whom God actually is and in anger over his mishandling of the situation.

He deposits the Ark at the home of a Levitical priest, a Kohathite, in the city of Gath-rimmon in Manasseh. This would be the proper place to leave it. After David sees that God is not mad at him but blesses the household of Obed-edom, David retrieves it properly and takes it to Jerusalem.

Along the way, the entourage continues their celebration. David celebrates with them. His first wife, Michal, becomes embarrassed by David’s dress and dancing and despises him. When he returns home, she blasts him for rejoicing in the manner he did. David defends himself. God judges her.

When we try to do God’s work our way, we may succeed for a moment, but we are destined for failure. When we do things God’s way, despite what some may think, He will bless us. Sometime our closest friends will turn on us when we decide to praise God properly. This should never detract us from rejoicing in Him. When was the last time you sang for God in such a way that it didn’t matter who was there?

2 Samuel 5.11-25

As long as we are in submission to God’s commands and following His Word, will, and way, we are promised victory (1 John 4.4 and 1 John 5.4). Are you living in obedience or living in syncretism?

2 Samuel 5.11-25 (cf. 1 Chronicles 14-see our study)

The remainder of chapter 5 (see our study of 2 Samuel 5.1-10), establishes David as an international king, not merely a tribal king (12). The description of his home, built with wood rather than stone, presents a palatial estate (2 Samuel 7.2).

David is seen as an international sovereign. In being this he takes on the customs of those around him (syncretism). He adds more wives and concubines. God forbade this in Deuteronomy 17.17 but David allowed this probably because it was accepted cultural protocol for a king in making a peace treaty to take wives from the other’s family. This is the definition of syncretism, taking on what culture mandates as part of your life without regard to what God’s Word has to say. They, and we, always want to be like the others around us (1 Samuel 8.5 [see study] and Ezekiel 20.32).

David establishes a treaty with Hiram of Tyre [more research]. He will later supply David with the material to build the Temple (1 Kings 5.1-18).

As long as David was king over Judah only, the Philistines apparently were not concerned. When he was established as king over all Israel, they began attacking. The remainder of this chapter highlights the exploits of David’s men as seen in our study of 1 Chronicles 11 and will be seen when we return to 1 Chronicles 14.

The highlight is that David discussed his plans with God (19, 20). He did what God commanded and was victorious because of it. Some have suggested the marching on the tops of the trees are the angels marching to battle. Interesting thought that requires more research. Also, in this verse (24), it states that the Lord will go before them. This is not a foreign concept for the Lord is a warrior (Exodus 15.3) and He goes before His people to fight for them (Exodus 14.14; Deuteronomy 1.30; Joshua 5.13-15see our study).

As long as we are in submission to God’s commands and following His Word, will, and way, we are promised victory (1 John 4.4 and 1 John 5.4). Are you living in obedience or living in syncretism?

Psalm 106

In each case of the remembering, Moses or another leader pleads on behalf of the people for God to forgive them. They stand in the gap for those who have rebelled (Ezekiel 22.30). We are called to do the same thing (Galatians 6.1-3 and Matthew 18.15-17).

Psalm 106

This is considered the first of the Hallelujah Psalms because it begins and ends with hallelujah (הלליה), which is “Praise the Lord.”

The key to this passage and the other historical psalms is to remember. In Psalm 105, remember because of the great things God has done; in Psalm 106, it is remembering that bad things we have done and turn from them. This psalm is a rehearsal of those things Israel did in rebellion to the good things God had done for them. Before we start pointing the finger, we need to remember that we do the same today. Think of God’s grace and forgiveness; then, ponder the things that we have done that abuse that grace and forgiveness. Paul summed it up in Romans 6 with an emphasis on our not sinning because of God’s grace.

Verses 1-3-The psalmist begins with praise and will end with praise as-well. He is calling us to observe what we have done and to pursue justice instead.

Verses 4-5-These verses are likened to Luke 23.42 where the repentant thief asks Jesus to remember him when He enters His kingdom.

Now we arrive at the reason for the repentance and petition.


  • Verse 6-He wants us to remember that we are as capable of committing these sins as those who actually committed them.
  • Verses 7-12-Red Sea Rebellion (Exodus 14)
  • Verses 13-15-Complaints in the Desert (Numbers 11)-They forgot; they did not remember.
  • Verses 16-18-Dathan and Abiram, the Rebels (Numbers 16)
  • Verses 19-23-The Golden Calf (Exodus 32)
  • Verses 24-27-The Evil Report of the Spies (Numbers 13-14)
  • Verses 28-31-Sin with People of Moab (Numbers 25)
  • Verses 32-33-Trouble at Meribah (Numbers 20.1-13)
  • Verses 34-39-In Canaan—Nothing Ever Changes (see the studies on the book of Joshua)
  • Verses 40-46-The Times of the Judges (see the studies on the book of Judges)

Verse 47-This is a call to national repentance and a call to give God the glory due His name.

Verse 48-This doxology is what began the psalm. Whatever our lot in life, we need to remember to praise the Lord.

In each case of the remembering, Moses or another leader pleads on behalf of the people for God to forgive them. They stand in the gap for those who have rebelled (Ezekiel 22.30). We are called to do the same thing (Galatians 6.1-3 and Matthew 18.15-17).

1 Chronicles 12

1 Chronicles 12 (cf. 1 Samuel 22, 27, 29, 30)

Our studies in 1 Samuel (22, 27, 29, and 30) covered the material found in the first twenty-two verses of 1 Chronicles 12. So, refer to them for now (more on this chapter will come in the future).

This chapter details the tribes that were loyal to David. Notice in verses 29-30 that some were still loyal to Saul. It was not a clean transition to the throne for David. Looking at verses 38-40, we can see the celebrations that occurred when David was finally proclaimed king over all Israel.

For further insight into these verses refer to these previous studies:

Probably the greatest contrast gathered from these verses is how David and Saul gained followers. When these verses are read, we see that David attracted followers. They were drawn to him. Saul had to draft men into his army (1 Samuel 14.52). Our character and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives attract others to our ministry. What is your character like? How is the Holy Spirit working in you today?

Look over this chapter again. Focus on these verses: 2, 8, 15, 16-18, 32, 33, and 38. What did you notice about these people who were attracted to David? Would you meet these qualifications? Jesus calls each one of us to His service. Does He attract you? Are you qualified for service or has sin stained you for this season? Are you skilled? Yes. The Holy Spirit has gifted you. Are you trained?  Second Timothy 2.15 requires us to do this work. Are you fearless? Again, 2 Timothy 1.7 proclaims that God has given us a spirit that should be fearless. Are you loyal? This is your decision. Will you follow Him regardless of the command? Will you follow His Word and His leaders and help others to do the same? Do you see what is going on around you and desire to change things for God? This is the list. How do you match-up? The good news is that God can qualify you as you surrender to His Word, His will, and His way.

1 Chronicles 10

When God sees your life, what does He see? Does He see a trend of disobedience leading to destruction or of obedience to His Word, will, and way leading to abundant life? Try Journaling a week of your life to see where you stand.

1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 31.1-13; cf. the study from 1 Samuel 31)

This chapter is a review of the death of Saul with an addition in verses 13-14. This is where we will concentrate this short study.

Ezra, the writer of the Chronicles, gives two reasons for Saul’s death and informs the reader of whom actually killed Saul. Saul did not obey the Word of God nor the way of God. He decided to offer his own sacrifices (see the study in 1 Samuel 13) and payed homage to himself (1 Samuel 15), and then consult a medium (see the study in 1 Samuel 28).

Verse fourteen informs us that God killed Saul. Saul’s death was not by his own hand but by the hand of God. God had let Saul pursue the desires of his heart, which led to death (Proverbs 14.12).

When God sees your life, what does He see? Does He see a trend of disobedience leading to destruction or of obedience to His Word, will, and way leading to abundant life? Try Journaling a week of your life to see where you stand.

1 Chronicles 9

This opening verse should be a warning to all who read. When we allow our hearts to turn from the Word, will, and way of God we are unfaithful to Him. Our unfaithfulness may not lead to physical captivity, but our hearts, minds, and wallets can become captive to the world system we are told to stay away from (1 John).

1 Chronicles 9 (Ezra 2.43, 79, Ezra 8.20, and Nehemiah 7.73)

This opening verse should be a warning to all who read. When we allow our hearts to turn from the Word, will, and way of God we are unfaithful to Him. Our unfaithfulness may not lead to physical captivity, but our hearts, minds, and wallets can become captive to the world system we are told to stay away from (1 John).

As can be seen by the passages listed above, this chapter details those who returned from the Babylonian Exile. The first to return (9.2) are the laymen, priests, Levites, and temple servants. This last group of people is called the Nethinim in the Hebrew text. These people were a group of temple servants (see references above) who helped the Levites with the menial chores in the Temple. The moniker Nethinim means “those who are given.” In the cross-references above, read in context, the Nethinim have Gentile names. This has led many to hold that these were non-Israelites. However, having a non-Israelite serving in the Temple has caused some to disregard that view. The names given could have been given to the foreign-born Israelite merely because they were in a foreign land (think of the four in the book of Daniel whose names were changed).

When this chapter is completed, the legitimacy of the Israelite nation from Creation to the moment of return from Exile is given. This is the nation that belongs in the Promised Land. Be thankful that your genealogy only needs to include Jesus as your Savior for you to inherit and claim legitimacy as one who is possessed by the King of the Promised Land.

The books of the Bible are divided into chapters by men. This is one case where I would have chosen a different point of separation. First Chronicles 9.35 could have been 1 Chronicles 10.1. This is because this portion of the book deals with the material in chapter ten that of King Saul. The closing of 1 Chronicles 9 presents the linage of King Saul (35-44). The ending of this chapter sets the stage for chapters ten and following. However, I do see that it is attached to chapter nine because it is a genealogy.

Psalm 81

As your desire to live a victorious life increases, you will want to obey God. If we do not submit to His authority, we will be defeated. It is only in giving our all to Him that we have victory in this life.

Psalm 81

This is another Psalm written to be played on the Gittith and is written by Asaph. Although this psalm appears to have been written with Passover terms, it has historically been linked with the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23.33-44). It appears so due to the reference of the blowing of the trumpet at the new moon festival, thus linking it with harvest.

This psalm calls the people to worship at the Feast (1-5), then God pronounces judgement on them for not being obedient to His word (6-16).

Verses 1-5-We are to enter into corporate worship with all we have whether that worship is seen in giving, singing, activity, work, or whatever. When we worship, God speaks.

Verses 6-7-God calls the people to remember Meribah. But, which one? The one at the beginning of the Exodus (Exodus 17.6-7) or at the end (Numbers 20.2-13)? This is the point of the Selah. Moses was obedient at the first and disobedient in the last. Because of his obedience, God blessed the nation. Because of his disobedience, God disciplined him.

Selah-Which do you choose? Pause and consider this: Today did you choose disobedience or obedience?

Verses 8-10-God calls the people to remember what He has done for them. In remembering they should only worship Him.

Verses 11-16-However, God states, they did not submit to God. God gave them over to their sin (Romans 1.18-32). He then tells them of the victory that is theirs if and when they obey.

As your desire to live a victorious life increases, you will want to obey God. If we do not submit to His authority, we will be defeated. It is only in giving our all to Him that we have victory in this life.

Psalm 73

The wealthy and those who are at ease in this life are living on a slippery slope leading to destruction. The condition of the United States in this era (post 2008) is evidence of this truth. In a moment of time the nation went from apparent wealth and ease to devastation and poverty.

Psalm 73

A psalm written by Asaph. This Psalm is quite like Psalm 37 and Psalm 49 (see comments on Psalm 49).

The psalm is written as a teaching poem. It begins with temptation (1-3), description of the wicked (4-14), the wicked will perish (15-20), uncertainty (21-24), victory (25-26), destruction of the wicked (27), and trust in God (28).

Verses 1-3-Asaph recognizes that God is good both in the opening and closing verses. He begins and ends with the goodness of God. However, in-between he reminds us of ourselves. We are tempted to be envious of those who have more than us. We see the grass as always greener in someone else’s house. We covet, envy, and forget that God is indeed good. When we see a desire or a felt need not being met, it is quite easy to forget all the blessings we have due to the focus on the one thing that is missing. Most cases of adultery begin this way.

Verses 4-14-Although Asaph sees the wicked, he is still envious of them. He sees their life of ease and his harsh life and seeks their existence (cf. Malachi 3.13-15). Verses 11-12 show the perversity of their minds. They presume they can hide their sin from God, if there is such a being.

These verses depict not merely the corrupt but those who laud them as celebrity. The people praise the very ones who cause them grief. This is the United States today.

Verses 15-20-Asaph regains focus, not on what he does not have but on who has him. When we are perplexed over the issues of life and its seeming injustice, we need to spend time in God’s presence in order to regain an understanding of who He is and who we are in Him.

The wealthy and those who are at ease in this life are living on a slippery slope leading to destruction. The condition of the United States in this era (post 2008) is evidence of this truth. In a moment of time the nation went from apparent wealth and ease to devastation and poverty.

Verses 21-28-When we are embittered by the successes of those around us, we need to be reminded of who God is in this world. As we draw near to Him, we gain a better perspective on this life.  James 4.8 promises that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

Chris Tomlin’s song “I Will Rise” is good to listen to (it contains verse 26).

1 Chronicles 5

We need to remember that the battle is the Lord’s battle, not ours. We are to be prepared for war (Ephesians 6.10-17), we are to be actively involved in faith (1 John 4.4 and 5.4), but the victory is always His (cf. verse 22).

1 Chronicles 5 (Genesis 46.8-9)

This chapter is a continuation of the genealogies from chapters one, two, three, and four (read these short accounts to gain a perspective on these lists). This list contains the descendants of Reuben (1-10), Gad (11-22), and the half-tribe of Manasseh (23-26). Joshua 13 informs us that these were the tribes who settled on the eastern shore of the Jordan River.

Although Reuben was the firstborn, he sinned against his father Jacob (Israel) by sleeping with Jacob’s concubine (Genesis 35.22 and 49.3-4). This was tantamount to desiring to take Jacob’s place. This will be shown in the study in 2 Samuel 1. Since Joseph was the firstborn of the wife Jacob loved (Rachel), he was given the place of firstborn. Verse ten reminds us that God did take care of the descendants of Hagar as God promised to do (Genesis 25.12-18). See verses 18-22 in this chapter for a reference to the Hagarites.

We need to remember that the battle is the Lord’s battle, not ours. We are to be prepared for war (Ephesians 6.10-17), we are to be actively involved in faith (1 John 4.4 and 5.4), but the victory is always His (cf. verse 22).

Because of Manasseh’s exposure to and allowance of the idolatry of the nations that surrounded them, they gave into idolatry. Because of this, God judged them through the nation of Assyria and they were carried away into captivity by Tiglath-Pileser (745-727). The Assyrian Captivity will be developed in a later post (2 Kings 15.29).

This needs more research and it will be done at a later time.

Psalm 49

When the harp is laid down, we must ask ourselves the question that the psalmist and countless others have: Do we desire riches more than God? Do we desire luxury and ease more than character? If we do, we are headed for the grave and hell. If we do not, we will find God.

Psalm 49

The origins of this psalm are unknown. What is know is that it was written more as a sermon than a praise or a prayer. This psalm deals with the seeming inequities in the world in terms of monies and is similar yet more thorough than Psalm 37 and Psalm 73. Again it is written by a Korahite (as mentioned in Psalm 44). According to the inscription, it was to be sung. This should remind us that we are to sing psalms, hymns, and teach one another with melodies (Colossians 3.15-17). This psalm is also quite similar to the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in form.

This sermon can be divided into an introduction (1-4), three main points (5-9, 10-12, and 13-15), and a conclusion (16-20).

Verses 1-4-The writer calls for all people to listen to his words. He allows us to see that he has pondered his words and meditated on them a great deal. He has done so enough that he has been able to set them to music. He has been able to provide a solution to an enigma that has plagued the godly for generations. He is going to shed light on the darkness of the understanding of God’s people. He begins his sermon with a pluck of the harp.

Verses 5-9-The writer tells us that wealth cannot save. This is the point of the message. It is also a matter of concern for Jesus. In Mark 10.23-24 and Matthew 16.24-27, He presents this truth to a perplexed group of disciples. We all will die, the rich and the poor, no one will live beyond the time given them by God.

Verses 10-12-These verses are reminiscent of Ecclesiastes as Solomon provides insight into death. All people will die. The fool and the wise, all men are mortal and all will perish like the animals. When we die, we will not be able to cling to our wealth. The grave becomes our home.

Verses 13-15-Jesus points the truth of verse 13 to his disciples as He taught them in Luke 12.20.

Selah -The writer wants us to pause and consider the truth of this and the previous verses. If we all perish, the rich and the poor, what good does it to envy the rich outside of temporary ease and luxury in this life?

The writer continues to describe what will happen to those who trust in wealth and those who trust in God (Matthew 6.24-34). He points out that death will consume those who trust in their riches and that God will ransom or resurrect those who trust in Him.

Selah -The writer wants us to pause and consider the truth of these two verses. It is here the doctrine of the resurrection is presented. It is not a well-known doctrine in the Old Testament. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection because it was not developed enough in the Torah for them to accept it. It is not full developed until Jesus is resurrected and Paul teaches it in 1 Corinthians 15. Depending on how you looked at the first pause above, this should be an eye-opener. The life we live on this earth is short and incomparable to the life we will live throughout eternity. If the momentary pleasures of this world are what you are seeking, you might just miss out on the eternal pleasures of the next world in God’s presence. If you seek God’s presence today, He may bless you with riches or not (see Matthew 6 above). But, He will bless you with eternity with Him. Then, these light and momentary afflictions we experience will seem trivial in light of what He has prepared for us (2 Corinthians 4.16-18).

Verses 16-20-The writer concludes his sermon with a reminder of all that was said. He wants us to ponder: Does it really matter if others become wealthy? When all has been said and done, will it matter that they had wealth for a moment in time? These verses should remind you of the passage from Luke (see above) and Ecclesiastes 3.19.

When the harp is laid down, we must ask ourselves the question that the psalmist and countless others have: Do we desire riches more than God? Do we desire luxury and ease more than character? If we do, we are headed for the grave and hell. If we do not, we will find God.