1 Samuel 10-11

Today we come to the coronation and odd beginning for Saul. Before we begin these chapters, here are some observations. God chooses a tall man by this he was considered handsome. The Israelites proclaim that there is none like him. Are they judging him by his stature or by his character?

How did those in your sphere of influence perceive your faith yesterday?
Today we come to the coronation and odd beginning for Saul. Before we begin these chapters, here are some observations. God chooses a tall man by this he was considered handsome. The Israelites proclaim that there is none like him. Are they judging him by his stature or by his character? Since not many people knew who he was, it appears as though the judgment was based on the outer appearance and not the inward appearance shining (Matthew 5.13-16 and Galatians 5.22-23). He was a Benjamite from Gibeah. Reread the end of Judges to recall the character of the men of that town and what happened to the Benjamites. Saul makes this city his capital.
We see in Scripture that when God does a new thing, He provides His Spirit. Although the Holy Spirit is not mentioned in this chapter, we do see that God “gave him [Saul] another heart.” Ezekiel 11.19 shows us when the Holy Spirit comes, He will give us a new heart not of stone but of flesh. When God introduces salvation in the book of Acts, the Spirit goes before the Apostles to open the eyes of the Jews, Samaritans, god-fearers, and the Gentiles to the Gospel.
A Special Note on the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
a. The outpourings indicated that these particular people were called by God into His service.
b. The Holy Spirit indicated God’s claim on these people.
c. The initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit came on those Jews who already believed in Jesus (Acts 2).
d. A later outpouring came on the Samaritans showing the Christians in Jerusalem that these people were also a part of God’s kingdom (Acts 8).
e. Later, the Holy Spirit would be poured out on the Gentile Cornelius and those who gathered with him (Acts 10).
f. Later, the Holy Spirit came on religious people who followed John the Baptist as a sign that what they believed was now complete in Christ (Acts 19).
g. After this, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is absent from biblical literature.
Back to 1 Samuel 10. We see this is what happened with Saul as confirmation to the people that God chose him, due to the disobedience of the people (1 Samuel 10.17-19, cf. Romans 1 and how God gives us over to our sins), and as confirmation to Saul that what Samuel spoke at the beginning of chapter 10 was from God. This confirmation is prophesied in verses 1-8, fulfilled in verses 9-16, and accepted in verses 17-26.
This chapter shows that he had great promise as a king. He was humble (or shy) and loyal to his father and his work.
The chapter ends ominously with a few people rejecting his kingship and a king gouging the eyes of all Jews east of the Jordan River (Joshua reminds us of the two-and-a-half tribes who settle there–Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh). However, 7,000 men escaped with both eyes and they went to Jabesh-Gilead. This king, Nashan, in chapter 11 pursues the men who surrender to him. He accepts only if he can gouge their eye out. Saul is called to help. He is plowing a field (what a kingly duty).
Verse six tells us that the Holy Spirit came upon him. We need to understand the theology behind this statement. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit did not permanently dwell in people. He came and went, this is why David would cry out in Psalm 51 for God not to take the Spirit away. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is the guarantor of our salvation and He seals it thus never to be taken away from us.
Saul promises victory, has it and is renewed as king over all Israel with no murmurers.
Saul did great things in these chapters because of the presence of God in his life. What are we doing today that is great because of that same God who indwells us? How do people know we have been saved? What evidence is there in our lives that God lives in us? What works are we doing that manifest Him (Ephesians 2.8-10)? How is our light shining in this darkened world so that they can see God in us?

1 Samuel 9

Chapter 9 begins innocently enough. It does not appear to be a continuation of the story from the previous chapter. Chapter 8 ends with the people clamoring for a king to lead them in battle, like the other nations (8.20). What did they think God was doing.

Chapter 9 begins innocently enough. It does not appear to be a continuation of the story from the previous chapter. Chapter 8 ends with the people clamoring for a king to lead them in battle, like the other nations (8.20). What did they think God was doing. I do realize that He did not lead them like other kings, but He led them victoriously and always. Where do we clamor for something less than God and His best? We know what He does for us and who He is and yet we seek to be like all the others.

Going back to the concept of a king, God had promised kings to Abraham from the beginning (Genesis 17.6, 16; 35.11). The people’s priority, however, was not to be placed in a king but in faithfulness to God (Deuteronomy 17.14-20). At the end of chapter 8, Samuel warns them that their decision will invite a harvest of regrets.

It is interesting what the word decide means. It comes from two words “de” and “cide.” The suffix -cide means to “kill off” as in suicide and homicide. The basic meaning of the word decide then is to kill off all other choices. The Israelites kill the other choices in their desire for a king, which means they killed off God as their choice for king.

A little more etymology for today. The word monarchy means “beginning,” as in Genesis 1.1 and John 1.1. It means “one chief,” “one ruler,” or “one sovereign.” The word arche means preeminent or first place as in archenemy, arch rivals, archangels, etc. The chief or big one. Read Colossians 1.15-23, the word is in verse 18, for God’s perspective on this word in relation to Jesus. Another meaning of the word is “one of one.” Up to this point in Israel’s history there was only one ruler and it was God.

The reason I began this entry by stating that chapter 9 and 8 seem to be disconnected is the tribe that Saul was from, Benjamin. God, through Jacob, established the royal lineage and it was not through Benjamin but through Judah. Jacob prophesied that kings would come from the tribe of Judah in Genesis 49:10. This verse is also a prophesy of the coming of Christ and the establishment of the kingdom in Christ (Shiloh would be a messianic reference).

The physical description of Saul is what appears to be the reason for choosing him to be the king. He was tall (a sign of being handsome, 9.2) and wealthy. Although God chooses Saul, 9.15-17, he is not the intended king because he is not from the tribe of Judah. He is God’s judgment on Israel. He gave them over to their sin (Romans 1) and allowed them to suffer the consequences of their choice. He would later choose the first and right king of Israel from the tribe of Judah, but that is later in the book.

God orchestrated the events to bring Saul to the town and Samuel to the same town. He let the sheep roam the country to place Saul in the right place at the right time. He allowed the people to sacrifice that day for Samuel to be there to offer the sacrifice for them.

Saul shows early promise given his physical superiority and his other attributes of modesty, being direct and to the point, as well as generous. Later, we will see that these are not based on a right relationship with God. He is trusting in his own power. When we do this, we cannot expect to see things like the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23) coming from us because our fellowship is not with God due to our trust in our own strength. What are we doing today that reflects our own power and not His?
By the end of the chapter Saul is still clueless as to what was happening. Over the next few days we will see his kingdom implode. As a point of interest, Saul was a Benjamite and from Gibeah. Read Judges 20 to recall what this might imply about the family of Saul (1 Samuel 10.26).

Our past does not determine our future, but our relationship with God does determine our future.  Our relationship with God is either as adopted child or enemy (Romans 8.15 and Romans 5.10).  If we are for Him, He is for us and our future is bright (Joshua 5). If we are not for Him that would mean we are against Him, our future is dim. Success comes in our faithfulness to Him not in our looks, abilities, talents, etc. What have we been focusing on that does not align with His work, His Word? Are we taking every thought captive to make sure it aligns with what God would have us do (2 Corinthians 10.3-6)? Or are we accepting everything we read and hear as acceptable to God?