Joshua 20-21

Joshua 20-City of Refuge. Christ is sometimes called our city of Refuge. I don’t know how that could be because He is also called our High Priest. This is an interesting concept found in the Torah as well. I wonder what would happen if the US established something like this (would drunk driving be included?).

Joshua 20-City of Refuge. Christ is sometimes called our city of Refuge. I don’t know how that could be because He is also called our High Priest. This is an interesting concept found in the Torah as well. I wonder what would happen if the US established something like this (would drunk driving be included?).

Joshua 21-This is merely a telling of the land/cities given to the Levites.

Verses 43-45 are interesting because they state the land was taken and all the promises of God were fulfilled. Why does the history of Israel turn ugly in later chapters? Did they stop relying on God’s promises/curses? When things promised are given and fulfilled, do we stop relying on Him and turn from Him too?