Psalm 40

Have you offered your all to God? He is worthy of it. Many of us live a syncretic life without even realizing what we are doing. Instead of referring to the Bible for our guidance, we turn to friends, web sites, and other we celebrate. When we do this, how can we expect the God who expects our all to listen to what we say. In our waiting, we have not truly waited (see our study of Psalm 103).

Psalm 40

Some consider this psalm to be two psalms connected. They state that Psalm 70 is merely a repeat of Psalm 40.13-17 and there once was a psalm that contained the first twelve verses. The reasoning behind this is the difference in the two sections. They appear to be reversed. The thanksgiving (1-8) is presented before the lament (11-17). This is mention for your information; I choose not to pursue the topic and count it as one psalm.

When this psalm is read, it is a reminder that patience is part of prayer. In fact the Hebrew is emphatic here. David actually writes that in his waiting, he is waiting. David cries out to God asking Him how long until He would answer David’s prayer. Notice it is not if He will answer but when He will answer. If there is a desire for a discussion on prayer, please respond and I will post one at a later date. Within this psalm David presents the great truth of many Old Testament prophets and of the words Paul gives us in Romans 12.1-2: God desires more than mere words or rote actions, He desires our heart, our mind, our strength, our all (1 Samuel 15.22; Psalm 51.16; Isaiah 1.11, 6.8; Jeremiah 6.20, 7.21-28; Amos 5.21-24; Micah 6.6-8; and to name a few). See our study on 1 Samuel 15 and Psalm 51 (as more are completed, links will be provided).

The psalm can be divided by the two types of psalms with the hinge verses of 9-10.

  • Verses 1-8-This is a praise to God for what He has done. David proclaims God’s greatness and then proclaims God’s great claim on our life (see sacrifices above). He wants all of us not a portion of us. He wants us completely, not syncretically. Verses 6-8 are echoed of Christ in Hebrews 10.5-9 for Christ’s perfect, complete, and final sacrifice for our sins (cf. Leviticus 17.11).
  • Verses 9-10-When God works, He expects us to proclaim that work among our friends.
  • Verses 11-17-See our study of Psalm 70

Many have attempted to place each verse in the mouth of Christ. They see the first portion of the psalm as Christ’s resurrection, the middle verses as Christ’s public ministry, and the final verses reflect the cross.

Have you offered your all to God? He is worthy of it. Many of us live a syncretic life without even realizing what we are doing. Instead of referring to the Bible for our guidance, we turn to friends, web sites, and other we celebrate. When we do this, how can we expect the God who expects our all to listen to what we say. In our waiting, we have not truly waited (see our study of Psalm 103).


Psalm 36

Jeremiah 17.9 reminds us of what this psalm states. By nature, we are wicked. To the core of our heart, we are wicked. Our names could be placed at the beginning of this psalm. It is only because of God who is mentioned in verses 5-9 that we can have a clean heart, a new heart; that is only found in Jesus. Are you standing against the wicked (4) or are you walking beside them (Psalm 1)? Is your life lived partly for God and partly for you in this world? Are you living a life of syncretism?

Psalm 36

This psalm is clearly a psalm of contrasts much like Psalm 1. It contrasts the rebelliousness of the wicked man (1-4) with the righteousness of God (5-9) and concludes with a prayer of protection for the righteous (10-12). The superscription of “the servant of Jehovah” provides a similarity to Psalm 18. The subject matter reminds us of Psalm 14 and Psalm 53.

Verses 1-4-The style is rough in the Hebrew as David describes the life of the wicked man. The progression from disavowing God to practical atheism is brought on by the deceit of man and the teachings of deceitful mankind. These result in belief in self and blindness to moral issues where in the self becomes a god and there are no moral bounds. What is true for you may not be true for them; we call this moral relativism. When we examine the world, our world, the United States, we see this as having already occurred and Christians stand in its wake. This psalm is for us.

These verses show the attitude of those who deny God. They believe they will not be found out and if they are they will not be judged for it. Think of those the world celebrates, they commit crimes and believe they can walk off without being judged merely because of their name or position they hold. As an example, a recent President committed atrocities in the White House, was impeached, and then let go primarily because he was helping the economy.

The very first word in Hebrew (לַמְנַצֵּחַ) is not even translated in many versions. It means an oracle that is prophetic, coming from God, and it is associated with “the transgression” (נְאֻֽם־פֶּשַׁע). This would mean that God gave to David an insight into the very nature of the wicked, those in rebellion against God. And, that is the denial of the existence of the God who also reveals His very nature in verses 5-9. When describing those who base their righteousness on what they do, Paul quotes Psalm 36.1 in Romans 3.18. The person who walks away from God is described in Micah 2.1 as one who cannot sleep until he has devised a wrong and when he awakens he completes the thought with action. There will come a time when those who walk away from God will be incapable of doing anything of value in God’s sight (Jeremiah 4.22 and Romans 1.18-3.31). This is primarily because the wicked do not think that what they are doing is wrong. Abortion is an example of these verses being played out in the United States.

Verse four invites us to do the opposite of what the evil do. They do not reject evil. We need to actively reject the evil that the world, the devil, and we present to ourselves (1 John 2.15-17).

Verses 5-9-The style is lyrical when it comes to describe God (John 8.12 tells us this is speaking of Jesus). When it comes to knowing who God is, we need to rely on His revelation of Himself in His Word (Romans 11.33). Otherwise, we might mistake ourselves for Him. Part of the revealing God does becomes a revelation of our nature as well (as seen in the first four verses). The more aware we are of Him, who is light (John 1.4-5, 9), the greater we know our darkness (1 John 1.5-7). This is where repentance comes in (1 John 1.9). God blesses those who seek to know Him (9). He does not merely bless them with a place to go but with a life to live. Knowing Him goes far beyond what our imaginations can capture (Ephesians 3.20-21). It is not merely having a source of water for refreshment (Jeremiah 2.13), it is a fountain pouring forth. It is abundant life (John 10.10)

Verses 10-12-David’s prayer is for God to protect the righteous from the wicked. In God’s presence is protection (12). The wicked cannot stand before Him (see Psalm 18). David was given a revelation of the wicked, of God, and, here, a glimpse of the horror of judgment on the wicked (Proverbs 24.16). There will be a place, “there,” where the wicked will not stand (the Judgment Day).

Jeremiah 17.9 reminds us of what this psalm states. By nature, we are wicked. To the core of our heart, we are wicked. Our names could be placed at the beginning of this psalm. It is only because of God who is mentioned in verses 5-9 that we can have a clean heart, a new heart; that is only found in Jesus. Are you standing against the wicked (4) or are you walking beside them (Psalm 1)? Is your life lived partly for God and partly for you in this world? Are you living a life of syncretism?

Psalm 132

During times of difficulty or praise, we need to record our prayers, desires, thoughts, and life so we might see God at work in our lives. When trials come, and they will, having a recorded testimony of God’s work in your life along with answered prayers will strengthen you and those around you. What is God writing in your life?

Psalm 132

This is another psalm of ascents and is the longest one. The authorship is unknown. It could have been Davidic (but verses 1, and 10-11 belie this) or Solomonic as a dedication of the newly built Temple. Whoever the author, this is a prayer given which asks God to remember His promises and is in connection with the Ark coming to Jerusalem and with the promise of the building of the Temple. This places the topic of the writing in time with our studies in 1 Chronicles and 2 Samuel (2 Samuel 7.8-16 [see study] and 1 Chronicles 17.11-14 [see our study]). Second Samuel is the Davidic Covenant and 1 Chronicles is the oath by God to build the Temple through David’s son, Solomon.

  • Verses 1-5-Remember David’s oath to build the Temple (see our study on 2 Samuel 5)
  • Verses 6-7-Remember David’s bringing the Ark to Jerusalem (see our study on 1 Chronicles 16). The writer recollects that David heard of the Ark in his youth as seen in the reference to Ephrathah, which is another name for David’s hometown of Bethlehem (Micah 5.2 and Genesis 48.7).
  • Verses 8-10-A prayer for God to remember the Ark and the King. The phrase “Your anointed” could refer both to David’s descendants and his ultimate descendant Jesus Christ, the Anointed One (Messiah).
  • Verses 11-18-A restating of the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7.8-16)

The prayers of verses 8-10 are answered in verses 16-18.

  • Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength (8).
    • This is My resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it (14).
  • Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness (9a).
    • Her priests also I will clothe with salvation (16a).
  • And let Your godly ones sing for joy (9b).
    • And her godly ones will sing aloud for joy (16b).
  • For the sake of David Your servant, do not turn away the face of Your anointed (10).
    • There I will cause the horn of David to spring forth; I have prepared a lamp for Mine anointed. . . . But upon himself his crown shall shine (17, 18b).

During times of difficulty or praise, we need to record our prayers, desires, thoughts, and life so we might see God at work in our lives. When trials come, and they will, having a recorded testimony of God’s work in your life along with answered prayers will strengthen you and those around you. What is God writing in your life?

Psalm 15

Who is it that dwells in God’s presence? This is the question that is presented and answered in this short psalm. David’s answer is the man who walks blamelessly, righteously, and in purity. None of us attain to that standard. Only One fulfilled this in His life and that One is Christ. These qualities become part of who we are after we come into union with Him through salvation (Hebrews 4.16). He presents us blameless and without fault in His presence by His righteousness alone (Jude 24-25). We do not come to Him that way, after He saves us, He makes us that way. That is the Good News of the Gospel!

Psalm 15 (cf. Psalm 24 [see our study], Micah 6.8, and Isaiah 33.14-16)

Verse one provides the context for this chapter, which is service in God’s tabernacle or holy hill. Some have interpreted this chapter as asking the question “who is able to work in God’s service,” rather than who can exist in God’s presence. Both can be given from Psalm 15 and Psalm 24.

The terms for service are found in verse two and expanded in the remaining verses. That person is the one who is blameless, righteous, and pure. The evidence is found in how he treats his brother (3-5). Does he speak well of his neighbor, does he grieve over sin, does he walk in integrity, and does he give financially to help others? These are the ones who are to work in God’s service (1 Timothy 3). If this verses are read correctly, we can see the Greatest Commandment as Jesus presented it in Matthew 22.35-40.

Who is it that dwells in God’s presence? This is the question that is presented and answered in this short psalm. David’s answer is the man who walks blamelessly, righteously, and in purity. None of us attain to that standard. Only One fulfilled this in His life and that One is Christ. These qualities become part of whom we are after we come into union with Him through salvation (Hebrews 4.16). He presents us blamelessly and without a fault in His presence by His righteousness alone (Jude 24-25). We do not come to Him that way, after He saves us, He makes us that way. That is the Good News of the Gospel!

This psalm demands that we examine our life in light of God’s requirements. If you are a Christian, He has saved you and you are in a right relationship with Him. What follows each day is our fellowship with Him. When we are in right fellowship, living out His Word, we have true worship (Hebrews 10.19-25).

A brief note on money. This will become a major post as time passes. Verse five instructs the man of God not to lend money at an interest. The Torah allowed interest to be charged to an outsider, a Gentile, but not to an Israelite (Deuteronomy 23.19-20). However, this law can be interpreted as not lending to those who are unable to pay at an interest (Exodus 22.25 and Leviticus 25.35-37). Loans were meant to help another person get out of financial bondage, not place him deeper into it. Again, more on this later.

The Word in Life Study Bible presents this psalm as a list of ten things a person of integrity shows with application.

The person of integrity. . .

How about you?

1 Walks uprightly.

What is your basic ethical commitment? Are you out to honor the Lord or to serve yourself?

2 Works righteousness.

What is the end result of your work? Are you promoting good in the world—or evil?

3 Speaks the truth.

Are you in the habit of telling “little white lies” when it is necessary or convenient?

4 Does not backbite.

Do you tear down others behind their back?

5 Does no evil to a neighbor.

What is your policy on office politics? Do you believe in “doing unto others before they do unto you”?

6 Does not take up a reproach against a friend.

How loyal are you? When everyone is down on a colleague, do you jump on the bandwagon, or do you offer support and seek fair play?

7 Honors those who fear the Lord, not the ungodly.

What is the character of your best friends? What is their attitude toward God and the things of the Lord?

8 Keeps his word, even when it is costly.

Are you trustworthy and reliable? Is your word your bond, or is there always a question whether you will follow through?

9 Does not practice usury.

Do you make it harder or easier for poor people to gain the resources necessary to support themselves?

10 Does not take bribes.

What would it take to get you to compromise your integrity?

Psalm 10

If our society reflects what the members of the society do or allow to happen, then what does our society say about the church? About our God? What can we do about it?

Psalm 10

See Psalm 9 for explanation.

Verses 1-2-This verse appears to be the antithesis to Psalm 9.16. However, David is asking for God to come and do what He has been known to do–protect the persecuted and afflicted.

Verses 3-4-Psalm 14.1states it all: Only a fool would say there is no God. We may not say it, but are we so greedy for gain and power that we live it? (See our study of Psalm 14 and Psalm 53).

Verses 5-6-Those who do not know God should be more frightened about life than they are. Psalm 49.11, Ecclesiastes 8.11, and Revelation 18.7 all attest to this truth.

Verses 7-11-When people live this way, their society becomes like them (Psalm 55.10-11). The characteristics of the people become the way of life for the society in which they live.

Verses 12-18-David calls God to action much like He did in Psalm 9.12. Micah 5.9 presents this truth as well. God will vindicate Himself and His cause. He is the helper of the helpless (2 Timothy 1.12). This would include you and me.

If our society reflects what the members of the society do or allow to happen, then what does our society say about the church? About our God? What can we do about it?

Psalm 35

This Psalm, as was Psalm 17, is set in a courtroom. Deuteronomy 19.16-17 provides the instruction on how to bring this dispute to court. Job 23.2-7 shows how Job handled a similar situation.

Psalm 35

This Psalm, as was Psalm 17, is set in a courtroom. Deuteronomy 19.16-17 provides the instruction on how to bring this dispute to court. Job 23.2-7 shows how Job handled a similar situation.

This Psalm is also the first of the imprecatory psalms (35; 52; 58; 59; 69; 79; 83; 109; 137; 140). These psalms are cries to God to bring destruction on those who stand against God and God’s people.

Verses 1-3-David once again calls for God to be his vindication, his salvation. He is calling for God to go to war for him on account of those who pursue him. As the psalm is read, it appears as though this prayer is concerning Saul more so than the others who pursued him. He mentions his mourning for their losses in verse 13-14 as if they were close.

Verses 4-6-David’s prayer is for God to drive his enemies away, even to the point of destruction. This is a common theme in Scripture (Job 21.18; Psalm 35.19-21; 40.14-15, 70.2-3; 83.13; 129.5; Isaiah 29.5; and Jeremiah 23.12). God will discipline His children and will judge those who refuse Him. In this case, He could be disciplining David and judging those who have judged David. In all this, God is righteous. He knows the hearts and intentions of those whom He judges. Could verse six be a reference to the pre-incarnate Christ?

Verses 7-8-David is asking God to judge them in the manner they attempted to judge him. They sentenced David to death and laid traps for them. David is asking that God do the same for them (Matthew 7.1-2). There are many prayers and judgments like this throughout the Scripture (Psalm 9.15; 55.23; Isaiah 47.11; and 1 Thessalonians 5.3). Remember that God knows the intentions of the heart and judges righteously.

Verses 4-9 present a sevenfold curse or malediction against those who afflict and oppose David that sounds vengeful. However, is more a cry for God to bring, to judge the evil doers by returning their own evil upon themselves. Since God is the only one who can do this justly, David cries out for God to do so.

Verses 9-10-David proclaims he will do what he should already be doing, he will praise God. Deliverance is reason for praise. As God helps you, do you praise Him? At what point should you praise Him? Should it be after He delivers or in anticipation for the help? Again, this is a common theme in Scripture (Exodus 15.11; Psalm 71.19; 86.8; and Micah 7.18) because God is worthy of praise for He is unlike all others.

Verses 11-14-David is accused of things of which he has no idea. He is speechless because he does not know about what they are accusing him. The principle he presents here is Scriptural (Job 30.25; Psalm 38.20; 109.5; Jeremiah 18.20; John 10.32; and Romans 12.14-21). Is this something we do? When people seek us harm, do we pray for them, help them, mourn with them? Or, do we behave as the world does (Psalm 35.15-16)?

Verses 15-16-The world would rather taunt those who are their enemies than help them. How do you behave when others treat you poorly (Matthew 5.38-48)?

Verses 17-18-David is asking God to do what God is going to do. He is requesting God to do it now. He proclaims that he will praise God for doing this now. Is it wrong to pray this way? Is it wrong to ask God to do something now instead of later? From this Scripture? No. There are other places where biblical writers asked the same thing and based it on Scripture (Psalm 13.1 and Habakkuk 1.13). When we base our prayers and request on Scripture, God answers.

Verses 19-21-Refer to verses 4-6 above for thoughts on these verses. David is describing his persecutors in these verses. They are worthless and wicked (Proverbs 6:12–14 and 10:10). These words are used in Mark 15:29–30 as a derision against Jesus. Are people unjustly accusing you of things you have not done because of the good you stand for or do they justly accuse you?

Verses 22-25-As in the beginning, David is calling God to defend him before his accusers. Whom do you ask to defend you?

Verse 26-David again calls for God to judge those around him with righteous judgment (see verses 17-18 above).

Verses 27-28-David needs someone to mourn with him and to rejoice with him (Romans 12.15). Are you that someone for others? Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, can you proclaim the greatness of God? Do you do this all day?

Judges 17-18

Here we go with another strange story from the book of Judges.

Here are two maps to help you see the places: Israel in Canaan and The Kingdom Years.

Here we go with another strange story from the book of Judges.

Here are two maps to help you see the places:  Israel in Canaan and The Kingdom Years.

Judges 17.6 reminds us of the times–there was no king in Israel and the people did what was right in their own eyes. I think this is a sad commentary on those days and for these days. We, in areas of our lives, live as if there were no ruler. Not just as individuals as Judges 17 expresses but as a nation as Judges 18 evinces. We live as if there is no God and if we express belief in a god it is a god we have chosen to worship, which can contain aspects of the true God. These passages overwhelm me with grief knowing how far we have fallen personally and nationally. What gods have we created? What do we place above the true and living God? What truth have we distorted?

On with the story. Micah, evidently an Ephraimite, was given silver by his mother who also built him an idol. He took this idol, made his son his priest, and began to worship this idol in his house. Ephraim is what we would know as Samaria. This becomes important when the kingdom is divided. Micah creates his own religion and brings his family into it with the thought that God will bless him because he is worshiping. To validate the religion Micah hires a wandering Levite as his priest. This must mean he fired his son. He believed that someone who calls themselves a priest, even with the lineage, can bring respectability to what is being done. It doesn’t matter, according to Paul in Galatians, if an angel were to come and participate in this religious effort. Paul states flatly that the participants are condemned. No amount of religiosity can validate what God has already condemned. What are we trying to validate that God says to walk away from in His Word?

To make matters worse, the Danites who did not take their land (Judges 1) are now attempting to capture land. They see this idol and this priest and believe that God will bless them in their efforts as long as they have a religion. In the end, they worship this idol and create a shrine to it and worship it as a nation for centuries. This is in the city of Dan north of the Sea of Galilee and will play a large role in the divided kingdom.

There is more to this story that can be expressed: treaties and weakness and bullying, etc. I may cover these in an updated writing.