Psalm 10

If our society reflects what the members of the society do or allow to happen, then what does our society say about the church? About our God? What can we do about it?

Psalm 10

See Psalm 9 for explanation.

Verses 1-2-This verse appears to be the antithesis to Psalm 9.16. However, David is asking for God to come and do what He has been known to do–protect the persecuted and afflicted.

Verses 3-4-Psalm 14.1states it all: Only a fool would say there is no God. We may not say it, but are we so greedy for gain and power that we live it? (See our study of Psalm 14 and Psalm 53).

Verses 5-6-Those who do not know God should be more frightened about life than they are. Psalm 49.11, Ecclesiastes 8.11, and Revelation 18.7 all attest to this truth.

Verses 7-11-When people live this way, their society becomes like them (Psalm 55.10-11). The characteristics of the people become the way of life for the society in which they live.

Verses 12-18-David calls God to action much like He did in Psalm 9.12. Micah 5.9 presents this truth as well. God will vindicate Himself and His cause. He is the helper of the helpless (2 Timothy 1.12). This would include you and me.

If our society reflects what the members of the society do or allow to happen, then what does our society say about the church? About our God? What can we do about it?