2 Chronicles 7.12-22

2 Chronicles 7.12-22 (1 Kings 9.1-9)

The most quoted portion of 2 Chronicles is found in these verses. It is also the most commonly misquoted portion of 2 Chronicles. 1 Kings does not contain verses 14-16 because it is looking forward and 2 Chronicles is looking back. The writer’s audience in 2 Chronicles is the post-exilic nation.

The gist of verses 12-18 is when sin happens, repentance must follow. It is also implicit that God is faithful to His Word, even when we are not faithful to follow. The promises of God are both conditional (blessings, etc) and unconditional (salvation, etc). Here God presents both promises. The success of Israel is based on their turning from sin and turning toward God. It is not enough to say that sin is wrong, they need to define it and turn from it and turn to God. The promise of the coming Messiah is unconditional.

What we can do with this passage is realize that God is calling us to do three things: humble ourselves, repent, and turn to Him. He, then, will do three things for us: hear our prayers, forgive our sins in restoring fellowship, and heal the land. The last one is debatable outside of Israel (see McGee, 1997). However, if God’s people today, the church, were to turn back to Him, the land would be healed. Not from pestilence, drought, etc. but from the socialism and other ungodly pursuits she has undertaken. This would be due to the character change of God’s people producing a change where the live. This truth is evident in James 4.7-10.

A good read on the evils of America is Dennis Prager’s Still the Best Hope.

Psalm 34

Today we are provided a better look into the heart and mind of David when he faced difficult circumstances. David’s career is filled with passion. Seldom do you read of David being complacent about life. David gave his all to what he did.

Today we are provided a better look into the heart and mind of David when he faced difficult circumstances. David’s career is filled with passion. Seldom do you read of David being complacent about life. David gave his all to what he did. Sometimes that passion was for God and other times that passion was for himself. In the psalms we have been and will be studying based on his early life (7, 27, 31, 34, 52, 56, 120140, 141, and 142), we see his passion for God.

Psalm 34 informs us, in the inscription, of the historical context of the Psalm. If you recall, the Hebrew version of the Psalms includes the inscriptions as a verse. Without the title as a verse, this psalm forms an acrostic.  This Psalm is found played out in history in 1 Samuel 21.10-15 where David acted crazy in order to escape from king Abimelech who is called Achish in the passages in Samuel (1 Samuel 21.10-15 and 1 Samuel 27 and 29). If you read the psalm, it does not sound like it fits with the historical passage. However, David wrote it and ascribed the historical context to it. There are times when we wax poetic after we have encountered danger. It is more praise to God for the deliverance than an account of the deliverance. Such is the case with Psalm 34.

Verses 1-3-As the Psalm is read it is difficult not to look to God to praise Him. This is the purpose of the Psalm. David commands us to look to God to magnify Him. This doesn’t mean that we attempt to make God big but that we look to see Him as He is in reality. A telescope does not make the universe bigger. It helps us see how large it is in reality.

Verses 4-10-As Psalm 31 and 32 present to us the effects of sin on our bodies, these verses present to us the effect of God on our bodies. When we are in fellowship, much like Moses, are faces reflect Him, our bodies are refreshed, our minds are at ease, our fears are alleviated, and shame or disgrace in not our lot.

Verses 11-14-Second Timothy 2.22, Hebrews 12.14, and 1 Corinthians 15.33 both reflect the ideas presented in these verses. If we desire to live the life God created for us to live, we need to pursue God with a passion that is also found in those with whom we are friends.

Verses 15-18-David understands the mission of God in this world is to bring people back into right relationship and fellowship with Himself. Only the humble or the righteous will find Him. Those who are proud, who do what is right in their own eyes (Proverbs 14.12), He will oppose the proud.   Remember, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble  Jesus mentions this as His mission in life in His first sermon (Luke 4.18.19).

Verses 19-22-These verses reflect the previous four verses. When verse 20 is read, we see a reference to the day Christ was crucified in John 19.33 and 36.

This passage offers hope to those who are in dire straits. What do you do when times are tough? Is your focus on the circumstances or on the God who is greater than all of them (1 John 4.4)?