The fourth of the Hallel Psalms
- Verses 1-2-We are to praise God, here it is due to God’s desire to hear and answer our prayers.
- Verses 3-11-God hears our prayers and will deliver us from them. This deliverance may not be as we deemed but as He willed, which is better by far. The psalmist tells us that he believed even when he spoke forth doubt. Paul quotes this verse in 2 Corinthians 4.12-13.
- Verses 12-18-We are to praise God for He is worthy of the praise. Verses 12-14 remind us to partake of the Lord’s Supper and of offering in the church assembly. Are you actively involved in your church? The Cup of Salvation is the third cup of the Passover.
- Verse 19-Praise Him publicly not merely in your head, heart, or home.
Notice how the psalmist responds to God’s goodness (Henry, M, 1996). We call this worship.
- He will love God (1)
- He will continue to call upon him (2, 13, 17)
- He will rest in him (7)
- He will walk before him (9)
- He will pay his vows of thanksgiving, in which he will own the tender regard God had to him, and this publicly (13–15, 17–19)
- He will continue God’s faithful servant to his life’s end (16)
How does your worship measure up to this standard? What can you do today to change that?