Psalm 5

David calls out to God to hear what he has to say (1-6), to lead David in the correct and righteous path (7-8), to protect David from those who try to deceive and lead him astray (9-10), and to bless David with His presence (11-12). What are you praying for today?

Psalm 5

This psalm was written by David for the flute (Nehiloth) during the time of the revolt of Absalom (2 Samuel 15-19). The references to the temple (the tent, 7), David’s house, and references to David’s enemies lying in wait, not pursuing him (9-10) support this period.

When reading this psalm, we are reminded of the necessity of daily reading God’s Word for it establishes our hope, directs our day, and provides us with guidance in times of joy and distress. Even David, the king of Israel, knew that he must bow to another King on a daily basis.

  • Verses 1-3-David seeks God to listen to what he has to say, to listen to his cries, and to help him order his words in such a way that they bring honor to God. In this David ruminates over what he is to pray. It is no flippant prayer offered to God on a whim. It is a thoughtful meditation of an arranged prayer presented to God with great fervor and understanding of whom this God is to whom he prays. The plea of David for God to listen to the sound of his cry can be seen in Romans 8.26-27.
  • Verses 4-6-Habakkuk 1.13 presents the truth of these verses. David understands all too well that God will not listen to His children in rebellion (see our study of Psalm 51), how much more will He reject those who set themselves as enemies against Him? Paul state that darkness and light have no dealings with each other (2 Corinthians 6.14-15). John states this truth in 1 John 1.5-10.
  • Verses 7-8-David’s desire was to enter God’s house, to worship Him. It is here that David brings his prayer before God. It is a prayer to stand justly before his accusers.
  • Verses 9-10-Paul quotes verse nine in Romans 3.13 as a testament to the character of those who do not know God.
  • Verses 11-12-The shield mentioned in verse twelve is the full-body shield used to protect the entire person. When our lives are protected by God, we experience joy, protection, and blessing.

David calls out to God to hear what he has to say (1-6), to lead David in the correct and righteous path (7-8), to protect David from those who try to deceive and lead him astray (9-10), and to bless David with His presence (11-12). What are you praying for today?

Thoughts on hate will be given if requested. So, reply if you desire a study on God’s hating (5).


Psalm 85

The writer wants us to pause and think about how God has restored us and has forgiven us of our sins. Pause, take a moment, and meditate on what God has done for you. As a Christian we have much to be thankful for; so, what are you thankful for in terms of what God has done for you?

Psalm 85

The origins of this psalm are unknown. What can be determined in context is that it was written after the Babylonian Captivity because the author refers to God’s wrath being removed (3), the desolation of the land (12), and the need for God to restore it for the people (13).

Again it is written by a Korahite (as mentioned in Psalm 44). It is played on the Gittith. This psalm of national lament can be divided into three parts.

Verses 1-3-The writer is expressing his thanks to God for delivering them from the Babylonian Captivity and forgiving their sins.

Selah-The writer wants us to pause and think about how God has restored us and has forgiven us of our sins. Pause, take a moment, and meditate on what God has done for you. As a Christian we have much to be thankful for; so, what are you thankful for in terms of what God has done for you?

The writer then continues with what God has done in terms of showing His mercy by removing His discipline.

Verses 4-7-The writer knows the sins of the nation brought God’s discipline on them. He knows that until God restores them to their land and brings normalcy, the effects of God’s wrath are still on them. Until they are back in the land, until they are “revived” (given new life), until they have experienced God’s salvation, they still feel the effects of God’s discipline. He desires that God’s name be proclaimed because of what God has done (Habakkuk 3.2) not because of the sins of the people.

Verses 8-13-The anticipation of God’s answer is evident in verses 8-9. It is based on His Word (repentant people calling to Him) and His character.  Isaiah 32.17 describes that closeness that righteousness and peace have with each other. There is no peace unless righteousness comes.

When we turn to God in repentance for our known sins, He restores right fellowship with Him. In doing this, He brings peace. As we dwell on what He has required, He is present, which is peace (Philippians 4.8-9).

Psalm 18

This Psalm is ascribed to 2 Samuel 22.1-51. Although it is presented at this point in 2 Samuel, it is ascribed to God delivering David from his enemies including Saul. Since Saul dies in 1 Samuel 31, historically it would fit here in our chronological study of the Old Testament.

Psalm 18

Hosanna” by Hillsong does a good job presenting the truth of these verses.

This is a Royal Psalm

This Psalm is ascribed to 2 Samuel 22.1-51. Although it is presented at this point in 2 Samuel, it is ascribed to God delivering David from his enemies including Saul. Since Saul dies in 1 Samuel 31, historically it would fit here in our chronological study of the Old Testament.

  • Verses 1-3-David gives God the praise for deliverance from his enemies. In the superscription, Saul is differentiated from David’s enemies. After all that Saul did to David, David still would not count Saul as one of his enemies. How do we treat those in our sphere of influence? Do we count all who are against us as our enemies, even if they once were friends? Do we give God credit for deliverance from all our enemies? When we stand at the end of the day, do we praise Him for bringing us through that day?

David also uses a strong word for love in these verses. Beyond this chapter, this love is used exclusively for God’s love for man. 2 Samuel 22 does not include this verse because it is more a public matter than the private matter of Psalm 18.

David sates that he will cause God’s glory to shine. This is the essence of “halal” or praise and is the root of hallelujah.

  • Verses 4-5-This verse reflects Psalm 116, in particular verse three. David expresses how he viewed life and how he perceived the situations in which he found himself. How honest are you before God about your life circumstances?
  • Verse 6-Again, David cries out to God expecting Him to hear David’s pleas. When we pray, do we think God will answer or even hear us?
  • Verses 7-15-These verses are reflected throughout the Scripture. Three places in particular are Psalm 29.3-9, Psalm 144.5-6, and Isaiah 30.30. The crux of these verses is that when God comes to the earth, it will be unmistakable that God is here. When we proclaim that we are believers, is it unmistakable for those around us?
  • Verses 16-19-God does deliver us from the hands of our enemies. Water in the Scripture usually denotes trouble. Do we lean on God or on our own strength to get us through the day? Paul reminds us that each day has enough evil of its own (Ephesians 5.16). In order for us to get through the day, we need to remember to call on the one who can set our feet on solid ground.
  • Verses 20-24-These verses seem to echo Saul’s words to David in 1 Samuel 24.19 and 1 Samuel 26.23. Could we say the same as David does here? Only in Christ. Romans 3.23-24 and Romans 4.23-24 remind us that only in Christ do we have righteousness.
  • Verses 25-30-Kevin Prosch put music to Revelation 15.3-4 and wrote “King of Saints.” I have not been able to find a recording of it. If someone has, let me know, it is worth listening to. Is our confidence solely in the hand of God or do we attempt to create our own strength and power? If the latter are true, we will fail.
  • Verses 31-42-Deuteronomy 32-33 and 1 Samuel 2.2 reflect the words that God is our Rock. Habakkuk 3.19 gives the picture of God placing our feet on firm ground.
  • Verses 43-45-David recalls what God has done for him and gives God the credit.
  • Verses 46-48-Once again, David gives God the credit and praises Him for all that He has done.
  • Verses 49-50-Romans 15 reminds us that we need to praise God wherever we go just as David does here (verse nine quotes this Psalm).

When the day is over, do we remember that it is God who enabled us to make it through the day? If so, have you praised Him for it? More often than not, when we are successful we take the credit (pride) and when we fail we blame God (pride).

Psalm 35

This Psalm, as was Psalm 17, is set in a courtroom. Deuteronomy 19.16-17 provides the instruction on how to bring this dispute to court. Job 23.2-7 shows how Job handled a similar situation.

Psalm 35

This Psalm, as was Psalm 17, is set in a courtroom. Deuteronomy 19.16-17 provides the instruction on how to bring this dispute to court. Job 23.2-7 shows how Job handled a similar situation.

This Psalm is also the first of the imprecatory psalms (35; 52; 58; 59; 69; 79; 83; 109; 137; 140). These psalms are cries to God to bring destruction on those who stand against God and God’s people.

Verses 1-3-David once again calls for God to be his vindication, his salvation. He is calling for God to go to war for him on account of those who pursue him. As the psalm is read, it appears as though this prayer is concerning Saul more so than the others who pursued him. He mentions his mourning for their losses in verse 13-14 as if they were close.

Verses 4-6-David’s prayer is for God to drive his enemies away, even to the point of destruction. This is a common theme in Scripture (Job 21.18; Psalm 35.19-21; 40.14-15, 70.2-3; 83.13; 129.5; Isaiah 29.5; and Jeremiah 23.12). God will discipline His children and will judge those who refuse Him. In this case, He could be disciplining David and judging those who have judged David. In all this, God is righteous. He knows the hearts and intentions of those whom He judges. Could verse six be a reference to the pre-incarnate Christ?

Verses 7-8-David is asking God to judge them in the manner they attempted to judge him. They sentenced David to death and laid traps for them. David is asking that God do the same for them (Matthew 7.1-2). There are many prayers and judgments like this throughout the Scripture (Psalm 9.15; 55.23; Isaiah 47.11; and 1 Thessalonians 5.3). Remember that God knows the intentions of the heart and judges righteously.

Verses 4-9 present a sevenfold curse or malediction against those who afflict and oppose David that sounds vengeful. However, is more a cry for God to bring, to judge the evil doers by returning their own evil upon themselves. Since God is the only one who can do this justly, David cries out for God to do so.

Verses 9-10-David proclaims he will do what he should already be doing, he will praise God. Deliverance is reason for praise. As God helps you, do you praise Him? At what point should you praise Him? Should it be after He delivers or in anticipation for the help? Again, this is a common theme in Scripture (Exodus 15.11; Psalm 71.19; 86.8; and Micah 7.18) because God is worthy of praise for He is unlike all others.

Verses 11-14-David is accused of things of which he has no idea. He is speechless because he does not know about what they are accusing him. The principle he presents here is Scriptural (Job 30.25; Psalm 38.20; 109.5; Jeremiah 18.20; John 10.32; and Romans 12.14-21). Is this something we do? When people seek us harm, do we pray for them, help them, mourn with them? Or, do we behave as the world does (Psalm 35.15-16)?

Verses 15-16-The world would rather taunt those who are their enemies than help them. How do you behave when others treat you poorly (Matthew 5.38-48)?

Verses 17-18-David is asking God to do what God is going to do. He is requesting God to do it now. He proclaims that he will praise God for doing this now. Is it wrong to pray this way? Is it wrong to ask God to do something now instead of later? From this Scripture? No. There are other places where biblical writers asked the same thing and based it on Scripture (Psalm 13.1 and Habakkuk 1.13). When we base our prayers and request on Scripture, God answers.

Verses 19-21-Refer to verses 4-6 above for thoughts on these verses. David is describing his persecutors in these verses. They are worthless and wicked (Proverbs 6:12–14 and 10:10). These words are used in Mark 15:29–30 as a derision against Jesus. Are people unjustly accusing you of things you have not done because of the good you stand for or do they justly accuse you?

Verses 22-25-As in the beginning, David is calling God to defend him before his accusers. Whom do you ask to defend you?

Verse 26-David again calls for God to judge those around him with righteous judgment (see verses 17-18 above).

Verses 27-28-David needs someone to mourn with him and to rejoice with him (Romans 12.15). Are you that someone for others? Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, can you proclaim the greatness of God? Do you do this all day?