Psalm 2

What would you say about the kingship of Christ in your life? How does His reign manifest itself in your life?

Psalm 2

This is the first messianic psalm in the Psalter. It is quoted often in the New Testament as applying to Jesus’ ministry on earth (Acts 4.25; 13.33; Hebrews 1.5; 5.5). It completes the thoughts, also, from Psalm 1. The first psalm dealt with the righteous and ungodly individual, and the second psalm deals with the righteous and ungodly king or kingdom.

After reading through this psalm, a question is given: what happens when rulers defy God? What does it mean to defy or conspire against God? Would our present nation be classified as having rulers who defy God, attempting to go beyond His Word or without His Word? Can we apply these same questions to a country, such as ours, that does not proclaim to be a Bible-believing nation? What parameters does Psalm 2.1-2 have for us today?

Romans 13 reminds us that no authority is placed in power outside of God granting it power. Although this creates many questions in cases like Hitler, it also sheds light on our government. Neither this psalm nor Romans 13 places stipulations on what type of government, all are under the authority of God. If He places them in power, they are responsible to Him and will be blessed or cursed based on the relationship the leader has with God and based on the relationship the people of that government have with God. When the chapter closes, it closes with a command for the kings and all creation to be subject to God in five ways:

  1. Be wise
  2. Be warned
  3. Serve the Lord
  4. Kiss the Son, which means to embrace Him, to believe in Him, to not be ashamed of Him (Acts 16.31). Can you picture Mary at the cross kissing the feet of her Son (view the Passion of the Christ for a graphic display of this)?
  5. Rejoice or live in His blessing

With this being said, the psalm has traditionally been divided into four parts:

  1. a description of the plans of the wicked )1–3)
  2. the Father’s laughter from heaven (4–6)
  3. the Son’s declaration of the Father’s decree (7–9)
  4. the Spirit’s instruction to obey the Son (10–12)

What would you say about the kingship of Christ in your life? How does His reign manifest itself in your life?

If there are questions on this psalm, submit it to Pastor David.

2 Samuel 5.11-25

As long as we are in submission to God’s commands and following His Word, will, and way, we are promised victory (1 John 4.4 and 1 John 5.4). Are you living in obedience or living in syncretism?

2 Samuel 5.11-25 (cf. 1 Chronicles 14-see our study)

The remainder of chapter 5 (see our study of 2 Samuel 5.1-10), establishes David as an international king, not merely a tribal king (12). The description of his home, built with wood rather than stone, presents a palatial estate (2 Samuel 7.2).

David is seen as an international sovereign. In being this he takes on the customs of those around him (syncretism). He adds more wives and concubines. God forbade this in Deuteronomy 17.17 but David allowed this probably because it was accepted cultural protocol for a king in making a peace treaty to take wives from the other’s family. This is the definition of syncretism, taking on what culture mandates as part of your life without regard to what God’s Word has to say. They, and we, always want to be like the others around us (1 Samuel 8.5 [see study] and Ezekiel 20.32).

David establishes a treaty with Hiram of Tyre [more research]. He will later supply David with the material to build the Temple (1 Kings 5.1-18).

As long as David was king over Judah only, the Philistines apparently were not concerned. When he was established as king over all Israel, they began attacking. The remainder of this chapter highlights the exploits of David’s men as seen in our study of 1 Chronicles 11 and will be seen when we return to 1 Chronicles 14.

The highlight is that David discussed his plans with God (19, 20). He did what God commanded and was victorious because of it. Some have suggested the marching on the tops of the trees are the angels marching to battle. Interesting thought that requires more research. Also, in this verse (24), it states that the Lord will go before them. This is not a foreign concept for the Lord is a warrior (Exodus 15.3) and He goes before His people to fight for them (Exodus 14.14; Deuteronomy 1.30; Joshua 5.13-15see our study).

As long as we are in submission to God’s commands and following His Word, will, and way, we are promised victory (1 John 4.4 and 1 John 5.4). Are you living in obedience or living in syncretism?

Psalm 133

When the unity God has given us is lived out, we are blessed and we bless those around us as-well. We live the life God created for us to live and we are blessed. We also display the love of God in such a way that those around us want that life too.

Psalm 133 (Possibly written after 1 Chronicles 12.38 occurred; read the study.)

Verse 1-This short psalm focuses our attention on unity (as does Jesus in John 17). This is also a Psalm of Ascents with David as the author. Therefore, the focus of the unity is found in Zion, or Jerusalem. A summary of the passage, then, could be: In order to dwell together in unity we need to participate in corporate worship together. Hebrews 10.19-25 focuses on our need to assemble together. It is housed in a passage on accountability (Hebrews 10.26-31).

Verse 2-Looking at the imagery in verse two we see hyperbole being used to represent the all-consuming grace of God pouring over the unified tribes. The High Priest wore a breastplate on which were the twelve stones representing each tribe. As God’s Spirit or grace, the oil, was poured down, it encompassed all the tribes. The unity was there, now it is blessed by the presence of God.

Verse 3-Mount Hermon is geographically for the Israelites what Aaron was spiritually for them. God proclaimed that He would bless the Israelites with water from Mount Hermon (Leviticus 25.21 and Deuteronomy 28.8). This blessing comes through the source of the Jordan River and through the gathering of clouds that produces the rain (or the dew) for the entire land. God uses His creation to bless His creatures.

When the unity God has given us is lived out, we are blessed and we bless those around us as-well. We live the life God created for us to live and we are blessed. We also display the love of God in such a way that those around us want that life too.

David proclaims unity that needs to be lived out. The unity is there, but it needs to be acted. Jesus proclaims our unity. We do not need to pray for unity, but we need to live out that unity (Ephesians 4). If you notice, the unity in Ephesians is also couched in the concept of corporate worship and the working out of the gifts with which the Holy Spirit has endowed each believer. How are you holding yourself accountable through the unifying presence of God in the lives of fellow believers?

An outside link to Mount Hermon.

1 Chronicles 12

1 Chronicles 12 (cf. 1 Samuel 22, 27, 29, 30)

Our studies in 1 Samuel (22, 27, 29, and 30) covered the material found in the first twenty-two verses of 1 Chronicles 12. So, refer to them for now (more on this chapter will come in the future).

This chapter details the tribes that were loyal to David. Notice in verses 29-30 that some were still loyal to Saul. It was not a clean transition to the throne for David. Looking at verses 38-40, we can see the celebrations that occurred when David was finally proclaimed king over all Israel.

For further insight into these verses refer to these previous studies:

Probably the greatest contrast gathered from these verses is how David and Saul gained followers. When these verses are read, we see that David attracted followers. They were drawn to him. Saul had to draft men into his army (1 Samuel 14.52). Our character and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives attract others to our ministry. What is your character like? How is the Holy Spirit working in you today?

Look over this chapter again. Focus on these verses: 2, 8, 15, 16-18, 32, 33, and 38. What did you notice about these people who were attracted to David? Would you meet these qualifications? Jesus calls each one of us to His service. Does He attract you? Are you qualified for service or has sin stained you for this season? Are you skilled? Yes. The Holy Spirit has gifted you. Are you trained?  Second Timothy 2.15 requires us to do this work. Are you fearless? Again, 2 Timothy 1.7 proclaims that God has given us a spirit that should be fearless. Are you loyal? This is your decision. Will you follow Him regardless of the command? Will you follow His Word and His leaders and help others to do the same? Do you see what is going on around you and desire to change things for God? This is the list. How do you match-up? The good news is that God can qualify you as you surrender to His Word, His will, and His way.

1 Chronicles 11

How faithful have you been to the small things that God has called you to do? Homework? Honoring parents? Truth-telling? Kindness? Etcetera?

1 Chronicles 11 (2 Samuel 5.1-10 and 2 Samuel 23.8-29)

Three verses (70-72) from Psalm 78 present this event (see study). Our 2 Samuel 5.1-10 study presents the activity of verses 1-9 (see study). There is one point added here and that is how Joab becomes the commander of David’s army–he leads the capture of Jerusalem (verses 6-7). We, now, shall turn to the remainder of the chapter.

The thirty-two verses that follow recount David’s mighty men and the feats they accomplished. David had three warriors close to him, then he had thirty, then he had his armies. This list contains the thirty, which would include the three.

I will add thoughts on one of them, Benaiah, later today.

In this list we find those God purposed for greatness through a direct call. Others were purposed for greatness through an indirect call from God through David. Others were purposed for greatness through by being faithful in the small things. We are all purposed for greatness if we choose to follow the small things of God (Mark 10.42-45).

A song from a bygone era states this as-well:  Servant of All (If you want to be great in God’s kingdom (Maranatha Music). Take three-minutes for to listen to this song.

How faithful have you been to the small things that God has called you to do? Homework? Honoring parents? Truth-telling? Kindness? Etcetera?

2 Samuel 5.1-10

Are you proclaiming the One who is greater than David, Jesus, as King of your life? If so, your faith and ability to do great things will increase. The more we lean on God and allow Him to rule our lives the greater our life will be primarily due to our living the life that He created for us to live. How strong are you today? What does your daily workout look like?

2 Samuel 5.1-10

Due to the method of this study, in that we are attempting to do a chronological study of the events of the Old Testament, we are studying the first ten verses of 2 Samuel 5. These verses coincide with 1 Chronicles 11.1-9. We will look at 1 Chronicles 11 next before we return to complete 2 Samuel 5. For the remainder of 2 Samuel and the books of the Kings, we will work with simultaneously with the Chronicles.

This chapter provides the third anointing of David being king. Here it is an anointing by all the tribes of Israel to be king over Israel.  Second Samuel 2.4 points to the Southern tribes anointing David king over Judah. First Samuel 16.13 is the most important anointing given by Samuel prophetically proclaiming David to be the great and future king over all Israel. Verse two represents the people’s belief that Samuel’s anointing of David to be king over all Israel was indeed an act of God anointing David. The Israelites were obeying God’s will and proclaiming David the rightful king.

Hebron is an important city in the life of Israel. It is here the patriarchs, except for Rachel, were buried (Genesis 23.2; 25.9; 35.27-29; 49.29-33). It is one of the oldest cities in the world that is still in existence. The Cave of Machpelah is still there; however, it is covered by a mosque (background information from Jewish Virtual Library).

David is called in verse two a shepherd and a ruler (or prince). When this terminology is compared to Ezekiel 34.23-24, we see a comparison to the coming Messiah. David, then, is a type of Christ who is to come. More will be developed on this concept at a later date. The term “Messiah” means “anointed one.”

We see the years of David’s reign given in verse five. David reigned more than forty years, from the age of thirty (Jesus’ ministry began at thirty too) and he was king until he was in his seventies.

The Jebusites (those who dwelt in what is called Jerusalem today), were confident in their ability to defend their capital. They thought it was impenetrable (6). When a topographical map of the surrounding area is viewed, it is reasonable for the Jebusites to think that the city was impenetrable. The Jebusites held this territory since the days of Joshua (Joshua 15.63). This is one reason David sought the city. God gave the city to David and to Israel (10). Remember, with God all things are possible if He desires them for us.

David’s plan of attack seems to be an attack on the water system of Jerusalem. Later, King Hezekiah would use this as a means of defense (2 Chronicles 32.2-4).

The first mention of “Zion” found in the Bible is in verse seven.

As 2 Samuel 3.1 reminds us, David’s claim to be king grew greater than that of Saul; so, we see here in verse ten, that David became greater and greater because God was with him. Just as Saul became weaker because God had left him, so David became stronger because God was with him.

Are you proclaiming the One who is greater than David, Jesus, as King of your life? If so, your faith and ability to do great things will increase. The more we lean on God and allow Him to rule our lives the greater our life will be primarily due to our living the life that He created for us to live. How strong are you today? What does your daily workout look like?

1 Chronicles 5

We need to remember that the battle is the Lord’s battle, not ours. We are to be prepared for war (Ephesians 6.10-17), we are to be actively involved in faith (1 John 4.4 and 5.4), but the victory is always His (cf. verse 22).

1 Chronicles 5 (Genesis 46.8-9)

This chapter is a continuation of the genealogies from chapters one, two, three, and four (read these short accounts to gain a perspective on these lists). This list contains the descendants of Reuben (1-10), Gad (11-22), and the half-tribe of Manasseh (23-26). Joshua 13 informs us that these were the tribes who settled on the eastern shore of the Jordan River.

Although Reuben was the firstborn, he sinned against his father Jacob (Israel) by sleeping with Jacob’s concubine (Genesis 35.22 and 49.3-4). This was tantamount to desiring to take Jacob’s place. This will be shown in the study in 2 Samuel 1. Since Joseph was the firstborn of the wife Jacob loved (Rachel), he was given the place of firstborn. Verse ten reminds us that God did take care of the descendants of Hagar as God promised to do (Genesis 25.12-18). See verses 18-22 in this chapter for a reference to the Hagarites.

We need to remember that the battle is the Lord’s battle, not ours. We are to be prepared for war (Ephesians 6.10-17), we are to be actively involved in faith (1 John 4.4 and 5.4), but the victory is always His (cf. verse 22).

Because of Manasseh’s exposure to and allowance of the idolatry of the nations that surrounded them, they gave into idolatry. Because of this, God judged them through the nation of Assyria and they were carried away into captivity by Tiglath-Pileser (745-727). The Assyrian Captivity will be developed in a later post (2 Kings 15.29).

This needs more research and it will be done at a later time.

1 Chronicles 3

This chapter is the genealogy of David (1-9) through Solomon (10-24). It can also be looked at as a list of the kings from David’s family before the exile (1-16) and after the exile (17-24). This short list suggests that the Chronicles were written shortly after the exiles returned from Babylon.

1 Chronicles 3 (Matthew 1.6-12)

This chapter is the genealogy of David (1-9) through Solomon (10-24). It can also be looked at as a list of the kings from David’s family before the exile (1-16) and after the exile (17-24). This short list suggests that the Chronicles were written shortly after the exiles returned from Babylon.

As with 1 Chronicles 1 and 1 Chronicles 2, we find this to be a normal list of people who set the stage for the greater people in the list. We might not be the great people of history, but without us the great people of history would not be the great people of history. However God has placed you in this world (Acts 17.26), rejoice in it for it is to fulfill His purpose and is for His glory.

One of the oddities of this chapter is the last name, Anani. He was considered to be the coming Messiah according to the Targum. Another oddity, which displays God’s creativity, is Jeconiah. His line is cursed and Jeremiah 22.24-30 prophesies that no man from him will reign. Yet, Jesus is from the house of David. How does God work this out? Updates will come.

This needs more research and it will be done at a later time.

Psalm 16

Where have you been trying to find meaning? Is it in a person, an object, an activity? If it is not God, then you will fail to find meaning, purpose, in this life.

Psalm 16

A Miktam is a Hebrew word meaning “writing” or “psalm” and could mean that it is an epigrammatic poem or atonement Psalm.

Verses 1-2-David begins where we should begin. He realized that apart from God, we have no goodness. As mentioned in Psalm 14, there is none good except God. When we realize this, we will come to Him more often out of need and desire.

Verse 3-David understands the way of godliness is found in the company we keep (1 Corinthians 15.33). We may believe that God is our Saviour and be in right relationship with Him. However, our daily fellowship with Him can be determined by whom we allow in our circle of friends. Consider your friends. Are they bringing you closer to God or are they undermining what God wants to do in your life? Your friends are either helping to purify you or pollute you. Only one is possible. Read 1 John 1.1-4 for insight into fellowship with God.

Verse 4-This verse furthers the concept found in verse three. Those involved in syncretism will not prosper (1 Timothy 6.10). Does David imply that we should not even pray for them? Psalm 106.37-38 sheds light on this verse and what these people were doing.

Verses 5-6-David is reflecting on the good that God has done for him, even in dire circumstances. He knows that it is only in God that we have meaning and purpose in this life.

Verses 7-10-David is writing of God’s blessings on him and how he can rest secure in the hands of the almighty God. God does not allow His people to go to Hell (Sheol). Peter ascribes these verses to Jesus (Acts 2.25-32). That is that God did not keep His Son in Hell but resurrected Him from the dead. Paul quotes this verse when preaching in Antioch as applying to Jesus (Acts 13.35). This is our hope and our peace (1 Peter 1.3 and Hebrews 13.20). This also makes this a Messianic Psalm. These verses are fulfilled in Mark 16.6-7 when Jesus was resurrected.

Verse 11-It is God alone who is good (verse 1) and from Him alone we find the path we are to walk on (Proverbs 3.5-6), or our purpose in life. It is only as we come before Him in prayer, Bible study, song, and fellowship (all of which are worship), that we find our greatest pleasures in life.

Where have you been trying to find meaning? Is it in a person, an object, an activity? If it is not God, then you will fail to find meaning, purpose, in this life.

Psalm 14

The foolishness of man in his attempt to live without instruction from the One who made him is great. It is also prevalent today. Can you see this not only in the world that disowns God but in His church which proclaims Him?

Psalm 14

This Psalm is almost identical to Psalm 53 (see our study).

Verse 1-Our discussion in Psalm 10 already described the fool. Psalm 53.1 adds emphasis to it as well. It may begin individually but it will end corporately. There is none who do good (Romans 3).

Verse 2-Psalm 33.13-14 and Romans 3.11 shed light on this verse. God looks for good and finds none. This is much like what happened with Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18.22-33). God seeks and finds none who are good. This is also evidenced in Judges (Judges 2.19).

The reason behind this is that there is none who are good, except God. This was Jesus response to a man who inquired how he might have eternal life (Mark 10.17-27). He seeks today and only finds good in those who follow His Son.

Verse 3-David continues to explain why there are none who do good. It is because they seek only their own pleasure as they walk astray from God’s good pleasure. Paul tells us the same thing in Romans 3.12 and Isaiah shows this truth in Isaiah 53.

Verse 4-David is describing how the nations who do not know God treat His people. They devour them because they do not know Him.

Verses 5-6-All the plans of man are nothing in the eyes of God (Psalm 2see our study). He allows them to make their plans. But, it is He, who protects and helps the needy. We are the needy (Psalm 40.17).

Verse 7-Romans 11.25-27 sums up this verse in declaring God’s deliverance is in the forgiveness of sin.

The foolishness of man in his attempt to live without instruction from the One who made him is great. It is also prevalent today. Can you see this not only in the world that disowns God but in His church which proclaims Him?