Psalm 9

Although these two Psalms should be studied together, I have chosen to study them separately. In most ancient manuscripts (Septuagint and Vulgate), these two Psalms form one Psalm.

Psalm 9

Although  Psalm 9 and 10 should be studied together, I have chosen to study them separately. In most ancient manuscripts (Septuagint and Vulgate), these two Psalms form one Psalm. There are at least four reasons for pairing them together:

  1.  They form a partial acrostic. Psalm 9 contains 11 of the first twelve letters of the twenty-two letter Hebrew alphabet and Psalm 10 contains seven of the final ten letters.
  2. Similarities in words and style
  3. Subject matter. Although Psalm 9 deals with the nations and Psalm 10 deals with Israel, they both speak on judgment.
  4. Of all the Psalms in Book One of the Psalms, Psalm 10 is the only one without a superscription.

With that presented, let us turn our attention to Psalm 9.

Verses 1-2-David begins with words that should always be on our lips: Praise to God (Psalm 146.2) for whom He is and for what He has done (see Psalm 8). Are you praising God with all that He has given you to praise Him? What is it in your life that is not praising Him?

Verses 3-4-David sees that God is actively responding to his prayers and bringing justice upon the earth.

Verses 5-6-The judgment is eternal in nature, even to the point that the memory of them will perish too. Is this established in eternity or does it apply to history?

Verses 7-8-God will judge the world righteously through Jesus Christ (Acts 17.24-31).

Verses 9-10-God does not forsake His people. He protects them. He protects the oppressed as well. How?

Verses 11-12-God is righteous and will not let those who shed blood “get away with murder” (Genesis 9.5 and Nahum 1.2-6).

Verses 13-14-David calls out to God to bless him with God’s grace. He calls on God’s mercy so he may praise God and bring testimony of how good God is to the world.

Verses 15-16-The nations will know there is a God who is mighty in power and righteous in judgment. Exodus 7.5 states this and the ten plagues illustrate this truth.

Both terms, Higgaion and Selah, ask us to ponder the great truths mentioned in the previous section. How righteous is the God you serve?

Verse 17-David expresses the grief that the godless will not see God; their paths lead to destruction.

Verse 18-Does David merely mean the needy and the poor? Or, can he mean all those who see themselves in need of God and poor in spirit (Matthew 5.1-12)?

Verses 19-20-The world seems to have forgotten that we are mere men and God is God.

Selah asks us to ponder the great truths mentioned in the previous section. How righteous is the God you serve? Does He take care of us?

The world will not get it right until they bow in submission to the God of the Universe. Until then, we need to be in prayer for God to intervene and bring justice and righteousness to the front of the line. Are you praying for God to intervene?

Psalm 8

Consider your daily routine. Does it proclaim the greatness of God from beginning to end? If so, praise Him. If not, what can be done differently?

Psalm 8

The Introduction to the Psalms explains the Gittith.

Verse 1-The earth is a proclamation of the glory and majesty of God. When you see His creative process from an atom to a galaxy, what is your response?

Verse 2-Read Matthew 21.12-17 and 1 Corinthians 1.26-30 to enlighten this verse. When we praise God, we are using a defensive mechanism to thwart those who speak evil. How often are you praising God during the course of the day? The more we praise, the less we hear from the enemies of our faith.

Verses 3-4-This seems to be a quote from Job 7.17-18 and is quoted in Hebrews 2.6-8. The answer to this question is found throughout the Scriptures and summed up in the next few verses.

Verses 5-8-The translation of “elohim” ( ) in verse five has some controversy in it and can change the outlook of the psalm. David is saying either that God has made mankind a little lower than angels (KJV) or than Himself (NASB). See the footnote for both. If we reference Genesis 1.26-28, we can argue the NASB translation of “God.” Our dignity is found in being like Him. If there is no God, there is no basis for dignity in man. It is in being created lower than Him that we can fulfill the command of Genesis 1 and Psalm 8, which is being a plenipotentiary (one who rules in place of another as representing the other).

Another argument for the word being translated as the NASB presents is 1 Corinthians 6.3, which informs us that we will judge angels.

Verse 9-The psalm closes with the words it began. This sandwiching effect reminds us that all that is contained within these verses are to proclaim how great He is.

Consider your daily routine. Does it proclaim the greatness of God from beginning to end?  If so, praise Him.  If not, what can be done differently?

Psalm 124

This psalm is reminiscent of Romans 8.31, if God is for us, then who can stand against us?

Psalm 124

A Song of Ascents

This psalm is reminiscent of Romans 8.31, if God is for us, then who can stand against us?

Verses 1-5-If God is for us, then nothing can stand against us. The “if” of verse one is answered with the “then” of verses 3-5.

Verses 6-7-God protects us.

Verse 8-God, who created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1.1) is the only source of help for us. All other help will pale in comparison.

When God helps us, do we praise Him? When we sense the world devouring us (verses 1-3), the situations we place ourselves drown us (verses 4-5), and Satan deceives us (verses 6-8), where do we look?

1 Samuel 9

Chapter 9 begins innocently enough. It does not appear to be a continuation of the story from the previous chapter. Chapter 8 ends with the people clamoring for a king to lead them in battle, like the other nations (8.20). What did they think God was doing.

Chapter 9 begins innocently enough. It does not appear to be a continuation of the story from the previous chapter. Chapter 8 ends with the people clamoring for a king to lead them in battle, like the other nations (8.20). What did they think God was doing. I do realize that He did not lead them like other kings, but He led them victoriously and always. Where do we clamor for something less than God and His best? We know what He does for us and who He is and yet we seek to be like all the others.

Going back to the concept of a king, God had promised kings to Abraham from the beginning (Genesis 17.6, 16; 35.11). The people’s priority, however, was not to be placed in a king but in faithfulness to God (Deuteronomy 17.14-20). At the end of chapter 8, Samuel warns them that their decision will invite a harvest of regrets.

It is interesting what the word decide means. It comes from two words “de” and “cide.” The suffix -cide means to “kill off” as in suicide and homicide. The basic meaning of the word decide then is to kill off all other choices. The Israelites kill the other choices in their desire for a king, which means they killed off God as their choice for king.

A little more etymology for today. The word monarchy means “beginning,” as in Genesis 1.1 and John 1.1. It means “one chief,” “one ruler,” or “one sovereign.” The word arche means preeminent or first place as in archenemy, arch rivals, archangels, etc. The chief or big one. Read Colossians 1.15-23, the word is in verse 18, for God’s perspective on this word in relation to Jesus. Another meaning of the word is “one of one.” Up to this point in Israel’s history there was only one ruler and it was God.

The reason I began this entry by stating that chapter 9 and 8 seem to be disconnected is the tribe that Saul was from, Benjamin. God, through Jacob, established the royal lineage and it was not through Benjamin but through Judah. Jacob prophesied that kings would come from the tribe of Judah in Genesis 49:10. This verse is also a prophesy of the coming of Christ and the establishment of the kingdom in Christ (Shiloh would be a messianic reference).

The physical description of Saul is what appears to be the reason for choosing him to be the king. He was tall (a sign of being handsome, 9.2) and wealthy. Although God chooses Saul, 9.15-17, he is not the intended king because he is not from the tribe of Judah. He is God’s judgment on Israel. He gave them over to their sin (Romans 1) and allowed them to suffer the consequences of their choice. He would later choose the first and right king of Israel from the tribe of Judah, but that is later in the book.

God orchestrated the events to bring Saul to the town and Samuel to the same town. He let the sheep roam the country to place Saul in the right place at the right time. He allowed the people to sacrifice that day for Samuel to be there to offer the sacrifice for them.

Saul shows early promise given his physical superiority and his other attributes of modesty, being direct and to the point, as well as generous. Later, we will see that these are not based on a right relationship with God. He is trusting in his own power. When we do this, we cannot expect to see things like the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23) coming from us because our fellowship is not with God due to our trust in our own strength. What are we doing today that reflects our own power and not His?
By the end of the chapter Saul is still clueless as to what was happening. Over the next few days we will see his kingdom implode. As a point of interest, Saul was a Benjamite and from Gibeah. Read Judges 20 to recall what this might imply about the family of Saul (1 Samuel 10.26).

Our past does not determine our future, but our relationship with God does determine our future.  Our relationship with God is either as adopted child or enemy (Romans 8.15 and Romans 5.10).  If we are for Him, He is for us and our future is bright (Joshua 5). If we are not for Him that would mean we are against Him, our future is dim. Success comes in our faithfulness to Him not in our looks, abilities, talents, etc. What have we been focusing on that does not align with His work, His Word? Are we taking every thought captive to make sure it aligns with what God would have us do (2 Corinthians 10.3-6)? Or are we accepting everything we read and hear as acceptable to God?