Ever get tired of doing what you are doing, thinking that you are wasting your time, always being used and abused, and never finding a moment’s rest? Well, welcome to life, even life for David.
1 Samuel 27.1-28.2 is our study for today and the first verse reminds me of our lives and an episode of Batman. In the cartoon, Batman is slumping over the Bat-Computer, Alfred walks into the Bat-Cave, and Batman turns to him and says, “Alfred, I’m tired.” He wanted to quit. We want to quit. David did quit. He decided to quit being betrayed by people in his tribe, his clan; he quit running from Saul’s treachery. He walked away. When he did this, he sinned. Read 1 Samuel 27 and see the things David did when he again placed himself under the authority of King Achish of Gath. The sin may not be the destruction of the cities because God had already ordered their destruction, which was not obeyed (Exodus 17.14; Joshua 13:13; 1 Samuel 15.2, 3). The sin occurred when David did not believe the God who delivered him from Goliath was unable to deliver him from Saul. David sought the grace of Achish (1 Samuel 27.5), not the grace of God. Do you consider what the Lord has done when contemplating what He will do? David attempted to save his own life instead of trusting God to help him. In doing this, he deceived, killed, and lied. He forgot the truth of Psalm 27, which he penned prior to this event.
David goes to Gath with his soldiers and their families. He takes with him Ahinoam and Abigail, two of his wives. David’s plan to have Saul cease his relentless pursuit worked. David deceives Achish. Achish gives him the area of Ziklag, which originally belonged to David’s tribe (Joshua 15.20-31) and was far enough from Gath (15 miles) for Achish not to check up on him. David allows Achish to believe that David is not for Israel but for the Philistines. He allows Achish to think David is destroying Israelite towns when he is destroying encampments of some enemies of Israel. David’s deception is so good that Achish makes David his body guard for life (1 Samuel 28.2). All this duplicity will place David in a quandary as the story in 1 Samuel unfolds.
What plans are you making that forget who God is and what He has commanded you to do? What sin and what deception do you find yourself in today? Have you considered the consequences of these actions or thoughts? What should you do about them?