Psalm 104

Before reading this following, read through the psalm. It is a literary masterpiece unequaled in Scripture and adds a poetic flow to the Genesis 1 account of creation.

Psalm 104

Before reading the following, read through the psalm. It is a literary masterpiece unequaled in Scripture and adds a poetic flow to the Genesis 1 account of creation.

This song of creation is similar to Job 38, Job 39, Psalm 8, and Psalm 29 (also read the study on Psalm 8).

The psalm can be seen as an expression of the greatness and splendor of God.

Verse 1-this is a call to praise (the psalm is sandwiched with this call-see verse 35)

Verses 1-4-God is infinite

Verses 5-9-He created the land and seas

Verses 10-18-He cares for His creation by providing food and drink

Verses 19-23-He created the heavens to help regulate the earth

Verses 24-26-He created the sea creatures

Verses 27-30-All things that He created are totally dependent on Him

Verses 31-35-a summary of the call to praise God

Stop, go outside, and praise God for the creation you see.

Psalm 19

Do you see God’s work in creation (1-6), through His Word (7-11), and in your life (12-14)? This is where He is at work. Take time today to notice His work in your world, in your heart.

Psalm 19

This is a creation Psalm. It speaks of God’s majesty in creation and how He created it to show His majesty and glory. Many have suggested that if there is a God who created all this, why did He create the Universe to be so huge for so puny a creation as man. Some have answered this question by saying that God created man an inquisitive creature and that God created this universe for man’s exploration. A better response would be that the universe is not created for man to explore, although he can, does, and should, but that it was created to display the majesty of God per this Psalm. This would explain why it is so huge and complex.

Verses 1-4-David is expressing how creation shouts the glory of God (cf. Romans 1.19-20 and 10.18). This is called general revelation. Here God makes known His ways to all mankind. Many have taken this verse and attempted to show how the stars proclaim God’s glory. If you were to look at the original constellations, it would go from the Virgin to the Lion (Virgo to Leo), which shows the first coming of Christ in the virgin birth all the way to the second coming of Christ in power to rule. How do you see it?

Verses 5-6-When all the world would say the earth was flat, these verses proclaim it was round (cf. Ecclesiastes 1.5)

Verses 7-10-The heart of this chapter comes to the front, not in creation but in the Word of God. This is special revelation where God makes His will known to those who submit to Him and His Word. Each stanza in this poem refers to the same concept: God’s Word is what we need to live this life that He created us to live. It is His Word that gives us direction, wisdom, understanding, guidance in righteousness, and it is to be desired above life itself.

Verses 11-13-David, as Paul would later state in Romans 6.12-14, tells us our reward is found in keeping God’s Word. In so doing we will be blameless in our walk. No one will be able to accuse of wrong doing and sin will not be our master. There are two types of sinning mentioned here. One is the sin of ignorance. Even though we don’t know it is sin, if we commit it, it is still sin. Second is the sin of willful defiance. This is where we know it is wrong and still choose to do it. There is a third, not mentioned here, and it is when we know what we should do but refuse to do it (James 4.17). Which of these is your greatest struggle?

Verse 14-The entire purpose for having this special revelation is for us to meditate on it day and night. Meditation means for us to study all day long. To chew the cud as a cow would. We read a portion of Scripture, contemplate it, later on reconsider it, and still later consider it. It becomes a daylong process. When our mind is on His Word all day, that word will dominate our thinking, our words, and our actions. Are you meditating on God’s Word or merely reading it? Think about 2 Timothy 2.15-26 in its entirety. When our focus is on His Word we escape the schemes of Satan.

Hebrews 1.1-4 provides a summary of this Psalm.

Do you see God’s work in creation (1-6), through His Word (7-11), and in your life (12-14)? This is where He is at work. Take time today to notice His work in your world, in your heart.

If you have time today, about 45 minutes, watch Indescribable by Louie Giglio.

Psalm 8

Consider your daily routine. Does it proclaim the greatness of God from beginning to end? If so, praise Him. If not, what can be done differently?

Psalm 8

The Introduction to the Psalms explains the Gittith.

Verse 1-The earth is a proclamation of the glory and majesty of God. When you see His creative process from an atom to a galaxy, what is your response?

Verse 2-Read Matthew 21.12-17 and 1 Corinthians 1.26-30 to enlighten this verse. When we praise God, we are using a defensive mechanism to thwart those who speak evil. How often are you praising God during the course of the day? The more we praise, the less we hear from the enemies of our faith.

Verses 3-4-This seems to be a quote from Job 7.17-18 and is quoted in Hebrews 2.6-8. The answer to this question is found throughout the Scriptures and summed up in the next few verses.

Verses 5-8-The translation of “elohim” ( ) in verse five has some controversy in it and can change the outlook of the psalm. David is saying either that God has made mankind a little lower than angels (KJV) or than Himself (NASB). See the footnote for both. If we reference Genesis 1.26-28, we can argue the NASB translation of “God.” Our dignity is found in being like Him. If there is no God, there is no basis for dignity in man. It is in being created lower than Him that we can fulfill the command of Genesis 1 and Psalm 8, which is being a plenipotentiary (one who rules in place of another as representing the other).

Another argument for the word being translated as the NASB presents is 1 Corinthians 6.3, which informs us that we will judge angels.

Verse 9-The psalm closes with the words it began. This sandwiching effect reminds us that all that is contained within these verses are to proclaim how great He is.

Consider your daily routine. Does it proclaim the greatness of God from beginning to end?  If so, praise Him.  If not, what can be done differently?