David’s Psalms in Other Places

David’s Psalms in Other Places

What was happening to David Passage in Samuel

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Passage in Psalms

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Saul sent men to kill David. 1 Samuel 19.11 Psalm 59
David fled from Saul to Achish, king of Gath. 1 Samuel 21.10–12 Psalm 56
David feigned insanity in Gath. 1 Samuel 21.13 Psalm 34
David fled to the cave of Adullam. 1 Samuel 22.1 Psalm 142
Doeg the Edomite told Saul that David was in Nob. 1 Samuel 211 Samuel 22.9 Psalm 52
The Ziphites told Saul that David was hiding in the hill of Hachilah. 1 Samuel 23.191 Samuel 26 Psalm 54
David spared Saul’s life. 1 Samuel 24.3, 4 Psalm 57
David and his army killed 18,000 Syrians in the Valley of Salt. 2 Samuel 8.13 Psalm 60
David admitted his sin with Bathsheba to Nathan the prophet. 2 Samuel 12.13 Psalm 51
David fled from his son Absalom. 2 Samuel 15.16 Psalm 3
The Israelites mourned the civil war between Absalom and David. 2 Samuel 15.23 Psalm 63
Shimei cursed David. 1 Samuel 21-24 or 2 Samuel 16.5 Psalm 7
David rejoiced over his deliverance from Saul. 2 Samuel 22.1–51 Psalm 18

Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1997). The Nelson Study Bible. New King James Version (2 Sa 22.6). Nashville. T. Nelson Publishers.