Psalm 40

Have you offered your all to God? He is worthy of it. Many of us live a syncretic life without even realizing what we are doing. Instead of referring to the Bible for our guidance, we turn to friends, web sites, and other we celebrate. When we do this, how can we expect the God who expects our all to listen to what we say. In our waiting, we have not truly waited (see our study of Psalm 103).

Psalm 40

Some consider this psalm to be two psalms connected. They state that Psalm 70 is merely a repeat of Psalm 40.13-17 and there once was a psalm that contained the first twelve verses. The reasoning behind this is the difference in the two sections. They appear to be reversed. The thanksgiving (1-8) is presented before the lament (11-17). This is mention for your information; I choose not to pursue the topic and count it as one psalm.

When this psalm is read, it is a reminder that patience is part of prayer. In fact the Hebrew is emphatic here. David actually writes that in his waiting, he is waiting. David cries out to God asking Him how long until He would answer David’s prayer. Notice it is not if He will answer but when He will answer. If there is a desire for a discussion on prayer, please respond and I will post one at a later date. Within this psalm David presents the great truth of many Old Testament prophets and of the words Paul gives us in Romans 12.1-2: God desires more than mere words or rote actions, He desires our heart, our mind, our strength, our all (1 Samuel 15.22; Psalm 51.16; Isaiah 1.11, 6.8; Jeremiah 6.20, 7.21-28; Amos 5.21-24; Micah 6.6-8; and to name a few). See our study on 1 Samuel 15 and Psalm 51 (as more are completed, links will be provided).

The psalm can be divided by the two types of psalms with the hinge verses of 9-10.

  • Verses 1-8-This is a praise to God for what He has done. David proclaims God’s greatness and then proclaims God’s great claim on our life (see sacrifices above). He wants all of us not a portion of us. He wants us completely, not syncretically. Verses 6-8 are echoed of Christ in Hebrews 10.5-9 for Christ’s perfect, complete, and final sacrifice for our sins (cf. Leviticus 17.11).
  • Verses 9-10-When God works, He expects us to proclaim that work among our friends.
  • Verses 11-17-See our study of Psalm 70

Many have attempted to place each verse in the mouth of Christ. They see the first portion of the psalm as Christ’s resurrection, the middle verses as Christ’s public ministry, and the final verses reflect the cross.

Have you offered your all to God? He is worthy of it. Many of us live a syncretic life without even realizing what we are doing. Instead of referring to the Bible for our guidance, we turn to friends, web sites, and other we celebrate. When we do this, how can we expect the God who expects our all to listen to what we say. In our waiting, we have not truly waited (see our study of Psalm 103).
