Psalm 41

What is it that you believe? Do you live your life as if your beliefs were actually true? What would you change if you truly did believe? As you consider this psalm, look at your own life. What has gone done in and through you? Praise Him for it. What have you done to bless God as you have blessed others? What are people saying about you? Are they godly things? Are they mad due to your stand for God? Whatever the circumstances, look to God for His presence and help.

Psalm 41

This psalm appears to have been a response to those who stood against him in Psalm 38 (see our study).

  • Verses 1-3-Blessings for those who are blessed by the Lord by doing what He requires by taking care of those who are helpless, who are poor, is the theme of these verses.
  • Verse 4-A prayer to God in light of David’s sin.
  • Verses 5-9-Complaint against a close friend who has turned enemy. This refers to the betrayal of Ahithophel in 2 Samuel 17 (see our study). This psalm is a Messianic psalm. Jesus, too, was betrayed by one who ate bread with Him. Jesus quotes this verse and applies it to Judas in John 13.18 (each Gospel refers to Jesus quoting this verse: Matthew 26.23; Mark 14.20; Luke 22.21). Peter seems to refer to this psalm in Acts 1.16. Read the psalm in light of the last few hours of Christ’s life to determine if this psalm is Messianic in nature.
  • Verses 10-12-Hope based, again, on the character of God. The sense in the Hebrew of “repay them” is “to make good again.” That is David would repay the evil with good. This is the sense of 2 Samuel 19 see our study), which is the context of the psalm. It is also evident in 1 Samuel 24 (see our study) and 1 Samuel 26 (see our study) in David’s dealings with Saul.
  • Verse 13-Praise God from whom all blessings flow, who is eternal. The double “So be it” (Amen) along with “Praise the Lord” emphatically close each section of the psalter (Psalm 41, Psalm 72, Psalm 89, Psalm 106, and Psalm 150). The doubling of the “Amen” provides a strong affirmation to all that has gone on before. David is stating, “You better believe it, for it is true!”

What is it that you believe? Do you live your life as if your beliefs were actually true? What would you change if you truly did believe? As you consider this psalm, look at your own life. What has gone done in and through you? Praise Him for it. What have you done to bless God as you have blessed others? What are people saying about you? Are they godly things? Are they mad due to your stand for God? Whatever the circumstances, look to God for His presence and help.