2 Samuel 6

When we try to do God’s work our way, we may succeed for a moment, but we are destined for failure. When we do things God’s way, despite what some may think, He will bless us. Sometime our closest friends will turn on us when we decide to praise God properly. This should never detract us from rejoicing in Him. When was the last time you sang for God in such a way that it didn’t matter who was there?

2 Samuel 6 (cf. 1 Chronicles 13.1-14 [read our study] and 15.25-16.6 [read our study]; 1 Samuel 7.1, 2 [read our study])

This chapter presents David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. It is a rather strange story though. After the Israelites received the Ark back from the Philistines, they placed it in Kirjath-Jearim (here it is called Baale-Judah) with Abinidab in order to make Jerusalem both the political and religious capital of Israel. The goal is admirable. It seems, however, the means was less than godly. David intended to transport the Ark via a cart and not using Kohathites (Levitical priests) to carry it as prescribe in Numbers 4.15.

As the party of more than 30,000 were celebrating the transport of the Ark, it began to fall. Uzzah, in an attempt to save the Ark from desecration by having it fall to the ground, stopped it from falling. For his attempts, God struck him dead. Why? Was God being too harsh with Uzzah for touching the Ark? If we are unaware of God’s character, we might trivialize this incident with such a response. However, knowing the holiness of God, we need to respond differently. Uzzah was attempting to “save” the Ark from desecration by desecrating the Ark with his hand (he broke the law in order to save the Ark). Now, some would say that his hand was less dirty than the ground, so it was the lesser of the two evils. I posit a query or two: Is God so incapable that He is unable to keep the Ark from falling without causing someone to sin? Do we really think our sinfulness is less dirty than the dirt? Dirt is dirt and sin is what brought Christ out of Heaven to die for us (it is filthy rags-Isaiah 64.5-7). God’s law demands that any who touch it, die; he did, and he did.

David is in fear and anger. I think he was fearful of whom God actually is and in anger over his mishandling of the situation.

He deposits the Ark at the home of a Levitical priest, a Kohathite, in the city of Gath-rimmon in Manasseh. This would be the proper place to leave it. After David sees that God is not mad at him but blesses the household of Obed-edom, David retrieves it properly and takes it to Jerusalem.

Along the way, the entourage continues their celebration. David celebrates with them. His first wife, Michal, becomes embarrassed by David’s dress and dancing and despises him. When he returns home, she blasts him for rejoicing in the manner he did. David defends himself. God judges her.

When we try to do God’s work our way, we may succeed for a moment, but we are destined for failure. When we do things God’s way, despite what some may think, He will bless us. Sometime our closest friends will turn on us when we decide to praise God properly. This should never detract us from rejoicing in Him. When was the last time you sang for God in such a way that it didn’t matter who was there?

Author: Pastor David

David R Williamson is the founder of Teach for God Ministries. He holds degrees from Grace Bible College, Grand Canyon University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Walden University. David has been actively involved in ministry since 1979. He has ministered in various ministries from Sunday School teacher, Youth Pastor, to English Pastor in Taiwanese churches, including teaching ten years at the Junior High school level. Currently, David is teaching at Hillcrest Christian School at the High School level. He is also pulpit supply and retreat speaker for churches and other religious organizations. He is happily married to Karen with three children: Joshua, Kazlyn, and Joseph