Psalm 14

The foolishness of man in his attempt to live without instruction from the One who made him is great. It is also prevalent today. Can you see this not only in the world that disowns God but in His church which proclaims Him?

Psalm 14

This Psalm is almost identical to Psalm 53 (see our study).

Verse 1-Our discussion in Psalm 10 already described the fool. Psalm 53.1 adds emphasis to it as well. It may begin individually but it will end corporately. There is none who do good (Romans 3).

Verse 2-Psalm 33.13-14 and Romans 3.11 shed light on this verse. God looks for good and finds none. This is much like what happened with Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18.22-33). God seeks and finds none who are good. This is also evidenced in Judges (Judges 2.19).

The reason behind this is that there is none who are good, except God. This was Jesus response to a man who inquired how he might have eternal life (Mark 10.17-27). He seeks today and only finds good in those who follow His Son.

Verse 3-David continues to explain why there are none who do good. It is because they seek only their own pleasure as they walk astray from God’s good pleasure. Paul tells us the same thing in Romans 3.12 and Isaiah shows this truth in Isaiah 53.

Verse 4-David is describing how the nations who do not know God treat His people. They devour them because they do not know Him.

Verses 5-6-All the plans of man are nothing in the eyes of God (Psalm 2see our study). He allows them to make their plans. But, it is He, who protects and helps the needy. We are the needy (Psalm 40.17).

Verse 7-Romans 11.25-27 sums up this verse in declaring God’s deliverance is in the forgiveness of sin.

The foolishness of man in his attempt to live without instruction from the One who made him is great. It is also prevalent today. Can you see this not only in the world that disowns God but in His church which proclaims Him?

Author: Pastor David

David R Williamson is the founder of Teach for God Ministries. He holds degrees from Grace Bible College, Grand Canyon University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Walden University. David has been actively involved in ministry since 1979. He has ministered in various ministries from Sunday School teacher, Youth Pastor, to English Pastor in Taiwanese churches, including teaching ten years at the Junior High school level. Currently, David is teaching at Hillcrest Christian School at the High School level. He is also pulpit supply and retreat speaker for churches and other religious organizations. He is happily married to Karen with three children: Joshua, Kazlyn, and Joseph

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