Psalm 111

True worship is to see God’s works and praise Him for them, to see the truth of God’s Word and praise Him for it, and, then, to go out and apply what you have seen and what you have read. Is this your daily activity of worship (Romans 12.1-2)?

Psalm 111
This is a well-constructed acrostic psalm meant to draw us into praising God. The Hebrew alphabet is presented in each line as presented in the English. The acrostic is presented with two letters for each of the first eight verses with the final two verses having three letters each, which make the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Again, try doing this with the English alphabet and you will see how difficult it is to present a cohesive truth with an acrostic. Great and marvelous is He who reigns.

  • Verse 1-Praise God! We are called to praise God when we are with those who praise Him and when we are among those who may or may not praise Him. Regardless of our station in life, we must praise the Lord.
  • Verses 2-9-Why we should praise God. He is great, glorious, wonderful, gracious, compassionate, provider, powerful, true, upright, holy, redeemer, just to name a few from this psalm.
  • Verse 10-Praise God! When we stand in awe of Him, revere Him, we are beginning to see what wisdom truly is for He is wisdom.

True worship is to see God’s works and praise Him for them, to see the truth of God’s Word and praise Him for it, and, then, to go out and apply what you have seen and what you have read. Is this your daily activity of worship (Romans 12.1-2)?

Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin

Author: Pastor David

David R Williamson is the founder of Teach for God Ministries. He holds degrees from Grace Bible College, Grand Canyon University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Walden University. David has been actively involved in ministry since 1979. He has ministered in various ministries from Sunday School teacher, Youth Pastor, to English Pastor in Taiwanese churches, including teaching ten years at the Junior High school level. Currently, David is teaching at Hillcrest Christian School at the High School level. He is also pulpit supply and retreat speaker for churches and other religious organizations. He is happily married to Karen with three children: Joshua, Kazlyn, and Joseph

2 thoughts on “Psalm 111”

  1. God is to be praised always. God redeemed us from our sins. He gave up His Son for us and gave us eternal life. Of course we should praise Him. He provides us with all we need and He is compassionate. He deserves all our thanks.

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