1 Samuel 15

The opening verses, as many in the Old Testament, can be misunderstood. Unless we look at the passage in terms of whom God is and what He has done, verse three seems to be overkill (literally).

The opening verses, as many in the Old Testament, can be misunderstood. Unless we look at the passage in terms of whom God is and what He has done, verse three seems to be overkill (literally). However, God is punishing them for their sins. The book of Romans reminds us that there are none who are innocent and all deserve death based on rebellion against God. This would include “child and infant.” God is also judging them, specifically, for not befriending the Israelites on their journey. The latter occurred because of the former. The key in these verses (1-3) is for Saul, as God’s anointed, to “utterly destroy” the Amalekites. When we do not obey God to the letter of what He commands, we will set up ourselves for future sorrow. We will see this later in the chapter with Agag and have already seen it through Joshua and Judges.

The command God gave to Saul was to destroy all living creatures from among the Amalekites. Saul musters more than 200,000 men to battle, which shows the entirety of Israel was under his kingship by this time. He allows the Kenites to leave. They were not under God’s judgment. He allows Agag, the king, and all the animals that were healthy to survive. These were under God’s judgment. He partially follows what God commanded. This always leads to trouble.

The next verse shows God’s displeasure with Saul. Not only does Saul disobey God but he erects a monument to himself (verse 12). He then greets Samuel as if nothing wrong had happened. Samuel calls out Saul for his disobedience. Saul blames it on the soldiers then on God. He then proclaims that he followed God’s commands to the letter.

Samuel lays down God’s judgment before Saul. Saul attempts to justify himself by his actions (works do not save us). He thinks his actions are better than what God had planned. This is the basis for all our sins. We believe our plan is better than the God of the universe’s plan. Samuel provides God’s heart. Verse 22 should be committed to memory. God rejects Saul. He informs him that his sin was as bad as seeking out a witch for advice. He does this later in the book.

Saul repents. Even in his “repentance” he is blaming the people for his sins. The kingdom is now given to the unnamed rightful first king of Israel, which we will see in the next chapter. Samuel had nothing to do with Saul after that night. Samuel grieved over what happened with Saul. We should have the same heart. When in disciplining people in our sphere of influence, we should never delight in the discipline but grieve over what has happened and be in prayer for restoration. In this case, there is no restoration. When it states that God was sorry that He made Saul king, it means He also grieved over the life and work of Saul. It does not mean that He made a mistake and wanted to do it all over again.

Samuel finished the work Saul did not complete. He killed Agag. Saul must not have killed all the people of the Amalekites. A few hundred years later, in Esther 3, a descendant of Agag is mentioned whose name is Haman.

Our lack of obedience to God will come back to us in the form of discipline. Hebrews 12 reminds us that as God’s children we should expect discipline when we go against His commands. His discipline is always for restoration to fellowship with Him and His people. The consequences of our disobedience today may not come upon us quickly but may manifest themselves later in life or in our children’s life. We need to be careful, therefore, in how we live that God’s blessing rather than discipline may be found in our life and in the future for our children and for those people in our sphere of influence.

Author: Pastor David

David R Williamson is the founder of Teach for God Ministries. He holds degrees from Grace Bible College, Grand Canyon University, Grace Theological Seminary, and Walden University. David has been actively involved in ministry since 1979. He has ministered in various ministries from Sunday School teacher, Youth Pastor, to English Pastor in Taiwanese churches, including teaching ten years at the Junior High school level. Currently, David is teaching at Hillcrest Christian School at the High School level. He is also pulpit supply and retreat speaker for churches and other religious organizations. He is happily married to Karen with three children: Joshua, Kazlyn, and Joseph

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