God is Faithful Outline Introduction: Mao DeZhong I.God is Faithful II.We need to be Faithful in: A.Word and Deed B.Discipleship 1.trustworthy 2.reliability Purpose:To present the seventh of the Fruit of the Spirit. Need:To show the quality of faithfulness is an essential quality of true discipleship as God intended. Introduction: *The prisoner sat in a poorly lit cell. *they tried starvation, torture and mental anguish to get the prisoner to bow before the ruler. *they came to take the prisoner to a room with a high ceiling. *they lifted the prisoner high on a rope, "BOW!" *"Forsake your God. BOW!" *Sounds like a story out of Paul's life, or a first century Christian. *She would not bow. *She stood for God, no matter the cost. *They figured if they could get here to bend forward and take a picture, and publicize it they'd ruin her testimony. *They raised her three stories in the air. *They let the rope go and she plummeted toward the floor. Transition and Proposition: Why would she go through all this? She knew her Saviour. She may not have known why she was put through this but she knew her Saviour: He is faithful and she realized she needed to be faithful, after all she was a disciple of her Lord.
I.This poses an interesting question, "Is God faithful?", if so, how does He show it?
A.God keeps His promises 1.Dt 7.9 2.1 Co 10.13 3.People often ask me how I know the Bible is true and not just partial truth. Every time I answer, "Look at me!" . . . B.God does no wrong, He is just. 1.Dt. 32.4 2.Is 42.3 3. C.Faithfulness is part of His glory, who He is 1.Ps 89.8 2.2 Tim 2.13 3.There are times when we feel we have no faith, no purpose to carry on for, no God to lean on. But He remains faithful. The One who said, "Lo, I am with you always" will still be there, even when we are without faith for it is His character. Transition: I can only imagine this is what my friend's aunt knew as they raised her high and threatened her to bow before Mao. Flashing through her mind was Proverbs 2.8--God is faithful in His promises, in His justice, and true to His character. She bellowed, "I will not bow! For I am faithful." She exemplified Revelation 2.10.
II.God has called us to be imitators of Him. How can we do this? By being faithful. *Kim and Eric story that Kathy told me. A.Faithful in Word, God keeps His promises 1.Ps 89.1 2.Isa 29.1 3.Prayer has got to be the greatest acts of faithfulness in word that a believer has. In prayer we praise God, worship Him, make requests of Him, communicate with God. Prayer always precedes doing. B.Faithful in Deed, God does no wrong 1.Jos 24.14 2.Rom 12.12 3.When the world says forsake God and bow, do you? When the world causes others to deny Christ, do you? *Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego* When there is a choice between self and God, who do you choose? When the devil tempts do you fall for the temptation and ultimately into sin. Are you faithful in deed? C.Faithful as our way of life, faithful is God's character 1.1 Tim 1.12 2.1 Pet 4.10 3.Rev 13.10 Daily, we are asked to stand for Jesus in some way: rejecting false teaching from godless professors (whether in school, on T.V., billboards, etc); refusing to take heed to our friends who deny Christ or blaspheme the holy God we worship; telling someone about Christ; praying. Daily we are called to stand. When we don't we bow to the world, the flesh, or the devil. I know there are times when we wonder if its all worth it, those times we are raised to the ceiling, the moment we plummet toward the earth, not certain. In those moments of we need to remember His faithfulness (1 Co 10.13; 1 Sam 12.24) and cling faithfully to Him What happened to my friends aunt? We left her hanging a while back. As I said, they let the rope go with the intention of taking a snapshot of here when she hit the ground. When she hit, they thought, as they placed a large photo of Mao before the spot she would land on, in full range of the camera shutter, she would fall forward in a "reverential" bow to Mao for all the Christians of China to see. But, and this is a big but, they did not know that she was a faithful follower of a faithful God and He was about to show this to her and to the officials of the communist Chinese government in the 1960's. As she was falling to the ground she praised her God, re-counting His faithfulness to her. When she hit the ground, she landed standing! What a picture of God's faithfulness Premier Mao now had. Too bad the camera did not have a spiritual eye. If it did, can you picture what would be in the picture? I can only imagine it would have contained what Elisha saw in 2 Kings 6. It would have shown an elderly woman standing defiantly before a picture of Mao DeZhong, being upheld by the mighty angels of God! The only explanation, God gave His angels charge over her lest she dash her foot. AMEN! The world, the flesh, the devil (all that Mao embodied) can get you by the throat and damage your testimony. Stand firm! Be faithful! God will be well pleased with you and be glorified because of you. Then the Proverb will be answered, "I am that faithful person." Remember, 1.God is faithful to His Word--you be faithful to your words. 2.God is faithful in not doing evil--you be faithful in your deeds. 3.God is characterized by faithfulness--you live a life that is characterized by faithfulness. In so doing, we imitate God and are the greatest billboard for Him, and we bear His Spirit. Joe, can we sing the song that was taken from Psalm 89? ©Teach for God Ministries Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way, you do not charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction, and you do not make more than 1,000 physical copies. For web posting, a link to this document on our website is preferred. Any exceptions to the above must be explicitly approved by Teach for God Ministries. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: David R Williamson. ©Teach for God Ministries. Website: www.teach4god.com. Email: sermons@teach4god.com.